Turn Defeat Into Victory

He clutched his stomach, looked around, and happened to see Claire walking down.

Derek hurriedly turned off the live broadcast and shouted. "Claire! Claire! Come here, emergency, help!"

Claire walked over slowly.

Derek pointed to the computer screen. "I have diarrhea. I will be scolded to death by my teammates if I quit the game midway. Play a round for me!"

Claire cast a glance at the computer screen, her voice cold. "Get out of the way."

"OK, OK!" Derek stood up and added. "It doesn't matter if you can't play. Just play as you like."

Then he rushed to the bathroom in a hurry.

The audience watching the live show didn't know what happened.

They just saw Derek suddenly leave his seat, and then a slender figure appeared, sitting down in front of the computer.

The camera was placed low, so they couldn't see Claire's face. All they could see was a pair of beautiful hands gently resting on the keyboard.