
Mr. Hopkins was annoyed. "Mr. Johnson, Miss Claire is not such a person."

She became like this… because she wanted to protect him!

Hunter glanced sharply at Mr. Hopkins, and said in a warning tone, "Are you defying my order?"

The violent aura that the man exuded made people tremble.

Mr. Hopkins lowered his head and said nothing.


In the evening, just after school.

Derek took his workbook and walked into the teachers' office.

James looked at his arm first. "Does it still hurt?"

"It has been hurting all the time. I can't even move it." The boy groaned, put the workbook in front of James, and said unceremoniously, "Mr. Walker, help me finish my homework, OK?"

James chuckled. "Has Little Overlord ever been afraid of skipping his homework?"

Derek blinked. "I've decided to study hard because of Mr. Walker!"

How could he say something so seductive with such an innocent expression?