I Can't Help It

"She had a terrible fall! Her spine was broken, causing her lower body to be paralyzed, and she has been unconscious since then. The doctor said she is at risk of becoming a vegetable."

"Oh, she's so poor…"

"It seems that her parents are going to take her to a foreign country for treatment, but even if she wakes up, she'll be disabled for life."

"How did she suddenly fall down the stairs?"

"The police came last night. The surveillance camera was broken, so nothing was found."

"I heard that she was going downstairs while talking on the phone. She must have missed her footing and fallen over. She should have been more careful while walking."

In the back row, Derek pondered and looked at Claire beside him. "Why do I get the feeling this matter is not simple?"

Claire curled the corners of her lips and said nothing.

Sitting on her seat, Phoebe was doing a test paper, but her hands trembled uncontrollably.

After school.