I Will Cure Your Disease

Gallon frowned. "Experiment? What experiment?"

"Sit up and adjust the time. Although it can't let your body travel through time, it can make your mind feel like you are on the scene. Umm… it's kinda like VR, you know?"

Gallon was skeptical.

Dr. Kurt urged him. "Sit up quickly."

Gallon walked to the big machine and sat down in the middle. Dr. Kurt put the helmet on his head and then turned the power on.

"Wait a minute!" Gallon narrowed his eyes. "Are you sure… there is nothing wrong in doing this?"

"Don't worry. The electricity won't kill you. What moment in the past would you like to go back to?" Dr. Kurt pressed on the display next to him.

Gallon clenched his hands, his voice hoarse. "Four years ago."

"OK, close your eyes."

Gallon closed his eyes and only heard a loud noise in his ears, and then, he felt dizzy. When the sound gradually disappeared, he found that he was in the Garcias' house.