No. 273: he was buried together with his lover

“Then... What about Xia Beiqing?”Yun Ci asked again.

“Uncle Beiqing!”Jun Duonuan opened her innocent eyes wide, she said softly, “You and Daddy Take Me to the cemetery to pay respects to him every year! He is buried together with his lover, which is our class’s teacher Shen.”

She leaned close to Yun Ci’s ear and said with a smile, “I’ll tell you in secret, they’re a couple!”

“What?”Yun Ci’s pupils shook, and the strength he used to hold Jun Duonuan’s shoulder suddenly increased, almost crushing her bones. “Speak clearly!”

Jun Duonuan cried out in pain, “Mommy! You’re hurting me! I’ve said it very clearly!”

“Why Worship? How... How did they die? !”Yun Ci asked anxiously.

Jun duo Nuan cried and shouted, “I don’t know. They died before I was even born, sob sob sob...”

Yun Ci finally let go of her hand. Then, she stumbled back two steps and slammed her back into the wall. Her face lost all color.

Impossible, how could Xia Beiqing..