Chapter 280: Lin Ran’s autopsy report

Shen Zhiyu held Xia Beiqing’s wrist and raised his head slightly. His entire body was as soft as a puddle of water, and he looked at him with an unbearable gaze.

Xia Beiqing leaned over and kissed Shen Zhiyu on the cheek. He coaxed him gently, “Be good, it’ll be done soon.”

Pulling the lamp --

The tadpoles looked for their mother. The tadpoles swam and swam, and they suddenly found a hole. There was gurgling water inside. would their mother be inside? They scrambled to get in and swam into the hole.

The next day.

The sun shone on his face, bringing with it a strong warmth. Shen Zhiyu slowly opened his eyes and turned his head. He realized that the bed was empty. Just as he was about to move, he felt a tearing pain all over his body.

He was really old and could not keep up with the young man’s physical strength.

As if he had heard the movement, Xia bei ran to the door and stuck out his small head. He smiled brightly at Shen Zhiyu and said, “Shen Laoshi, you’re Awake?”