Chapter 289: Mouth-to-mouth congee

Junscher pinched Yun CI’s cheek and forced a spoonful of congee into her mouth. She clenched her teeth and the congee dripped down the corner of her lips.

Junscher’s breathing was slightly heavy. He suddenly grabbed Yun Ci’s neck and pressed her against the wall. His voice was irritable. “What? Are you going to starve yourself to death? !”

Yun Ci’s long eyelashes trembled. She suddenly lowered her head and bit Junsi’s arm. Her sharp teeth pierced through her skin, and a sweet smell spread in her mouth.

Junsi did not Dodge. He lowered his eyes and stared at the girl’s head. He said fiercely, “Bite! Bite hard! If you have the ability, bite me to death!”

Yun Ci’s body trembled. Then, she let go of her mouth. There were traces of blood on the corner of her lips.

At this moment, Junsi grabbed the back of her head with force, picked up the porridge and poured it into his mouth. Then, he bent down and held the girl’s lips.