Chapter 293: this transaction is quite attractive

“It’s me,”Yun ci answered.

The two bodyguards became respectful and made way. “Please follow us?”

Yun Ci was brought to the office and pushed the door open. Si Yanxiao was standing up slowly with a smile on his face.

He had been trying to recruit Yun Ci to join the AI Research Institute for quite some time now.

He had not expected that she would take the initiative to look for him.

Yun Ci’s eyes, which were hidden under the brim of his hat, were blood-red and as vicious as a poisonous snake. He clenched his hands by his side, trying hard to suppress the surging killing intent.

After taking off his hat, his black hair fell to the ground. His eyes were as cold as ever, as if nothing had happened.

Si yanxiao smiled and said, “Did Miss Yun ci change her mind when she looked for me?”

Yun Ci sat down on the sofa and said in an extremely flat tone, “Gu Jingwen is dead.”