Jumping Into a River

"Brother Jingyang, I like you. I just want to marry you. I'm going to marry you!"

By the river, a girl in a pink tutu dress with two ponytails and a princess tiara jumped in front of a red Porsche. When the car stopped, she started kicking up a fuss.

The man in the car wore disgust and impatience in his eyes. He got out of the car angrily and put his hands on his hips. "Meng Ying! Let me tell you this again—I don't like you—get lost!"

The people in the cars behind Lu Jingyang alighted and stood behind him.

They looked at Meng Ying in contempt.

Someone laughed and spoke up. "Meng Ying, your makeup looks really good today."

When Meng Ying heard that, a bright smile appeared on her colorful face.

She held her cheeks up and asked shyly, "Do I really look good? Brother Jingyang, what do you think? I begged Xinxin for a long time before she agreed to do makeup for me. I think I look pretty too."

Lu Jingyang wanted to vomit.

The others roared with laughter.

Meng Ying clapped her hands happily when she saw them laughing. "I knew it looked good!"

They laughed even louder.

"Meng Ying—it's not your fault that you're ugly, but it's your fault if you scared people with that ugly face of yours!" Lu Jingyang pointed at Meng Ying. "I'm warning you again…"

"Stay away from me!"

Tears welled up in Meng Ying's clear eyes.

She pouted her rosy lips, her lips trembling as she sobbed. "I want to stay with you. I want to marry you…"

She stretched out her hands that had colorful nails and grabbed Lu Jingyang's clothes. "Brother Jingyang, I like you! I can give you all of my dolls and sweets. Brother Jingyang, I want to be your bride…"

Lu Jingyang flung her hand away in disgust.

He looked as if he had touched something dirty.

He took off his jacket and threw it into the bin beside him.

He became so angry that he spoke without thinking. "If you dare to jump there, I will marry you!"

Meng Ying followed his finger. He was pointing to the river.

Would he marry her if she jumped there?

"What?! Are you afraid? If you don't dare, then get lost!"

Lu Jingyang pushed her and she fell onto the ground, dazed.

She did not cry or make a fuss anymore.

Lu Jingyang got into the car. He stepped on the accelerator and drove away as fast as he could.

All of a sudden, the woman sitting beside Lu Jingyang pointed at the rearview mirror and exclaimed, "She jumped into the river!"

"Mr. Meng, don't worry. I'll definitely treat her well."

A pleasant male voice that was deep and attractive sounded beside Meng Ying's ear.

But it did not sound gentle…

It was laced with indifference.

Who was talking into her ear?

Wasn't she dead?

A bullet had pierced through her heart during the mission.

She secretly circulated her energy. Her heart did not hurt, but she felt weak all over.

It was as if her tendons had been pulled out. She could not move.

After a few struggles, her eyelids trembled slightly.

A blinding light shone on her and she quickly closed her eyes again.

She tried opening her eyes a few more times. Eventually, she got used to the light.

She was staring at a round ceiling lamp.

She was surrounded by white walls, and the faint smell of disinfectant gave her enough hint of where she was.

"You're awake?"

That pleasant voice sounded again.

Who was it?

She wanted to take a closer look, but flashes of white light appeared in her eyes.

A splitting headache suddenly came over her, as if something had lodged itself into her brain and dug deep into her nerves.

It took her a while to recover.

But when she recovered, she became exceptionally tired that she didn't want to open her eyes anymore.

However, her thoughts were present and clear.

She transmigrated.

She transmigrated into the body of a silly woman that had the same name as her.

A silly woman who had jumped into a river for a man.

That was why she had the chance to 'transmigrate'.

A concept that only occurred in fantasy novels and movies actually happened to her!

She was glad and accepted the sudden grace.

She then took the time to understand the workings of this world.

This world was much friendlier than the world where she came from.

At least she would not have to fight many life-and-death battles in this world.

This world advocated peace and equality for everyone.

But in her world, only the strong were respected.

Meng Ying slowly accepted her transmigration.

Afterwards, she started conserving her energy.

After all, she would have a lot of time to re-acquaint herself with this world in the future.

Meng Ying laid there for three days.

On the fourth day, she opened her eyes again.

Her eyes were much brighter. She circulated her energy slightly and regained her strength.

Soon, she felt that something was wrong.

The room was filled with the masculine scent of a man.

The smell of disinfectant was long gone.

All she could see was black, white, and gray.

This was not the place from before.

"Madam, you're finally awake…"

The housekeeper saw her sitting there in a daze.

She quickly walked over to ask, "Are you feeling unwell? Are you hungry?"

Meng Ying grabbed her silver dress and looked around the room. "Where am I?"

"This is your new home."

The housekeeper had been instructed to take good care of the rather special Mrs. Mu.

The housekeeper was a smart person.

Before she came, she had already found out that Mr. Mu had visited the Meng family as soon as he returned to the country and begged to marry that silly daughter of the Meng family.

Although she was silly, her face was pretty.

Thanks to her clear and bright eyes, she did not look like someone who had something wrong in the head.

"New home?" Meng Ying frowned. "This isn't the Meng family."

The housekeeper explained patiently as if she was coaxing a child.

"You're already Mrs. Mu now, not Meng. You're in the new house that Mr. Mu purchased."

Mr. Mu?

Meng Ying did not know who this person was at all.

She was called Mrs. Mu, so did she marry someone with the surname Mu?

The housekeeper saw her dazed look and was afraid that she was unwell.

Hence, she quickly called the doctor over.

Soon, someone arrived.

"Doctor Xu." The housekeeper invited him into the bedroom.

Xu Nianhua glanced at Meng Ying, who was sitting in a daze.

He did not understand why Mu Yuansheng desperately wanted to marry this silly daughter of the Meng family.

If this woman hadn't been unconscious for so long, Mu Yuansheng might have already consummated their marriage.

Xu Nianhua reached out to feel Meng Ying's pulse.

Before he could touch her, however, a cold hand suddenly grabbed his wrist and pressed it down forcefully. "What are you trying to do?"

Her cold voice was filled with killing intent.

Xu Nianhua cried out in pain. "Let go, it hurts!"

This woman was too cruel!

"Madam, please let go…"

"Doctor Xu is here to treat you." The housekeeper was shocked by her reaction.

Meng Ying's face turned pale when she saw Xu Nianhua's pretty face.

The latter seemed to be in so much pain that he grimaced amidst bated breaths.

She looked at her hand. The action just now was born from her honed reflexes.

She immediately released her grip.

Xu Nianhua held the wrist that Meng Ying almost squeezed broken.

He gasped with his eyes full of fear.

This woman was indeed as the rumors had said….

Not only was she silly, but she also had a bad temper with the tendency to randomly injure people.

Xu Nianhua took a quick glance at her complexion.

She was obviously full of energy, and it could be said that she was even healthier than him.

Thus, he quickly ended the consultation and left the bedroom that had now become one of his most feared places to be.

Meng Ying felt a little awkward when she realized why he wanted to touch her wrist.

What she did just now was simply too rude to someone who wanted to help her.

She was no longer in that murderous and cruel world, after all.

She knew that she had to start loving the peace of this world.

She had to be friendly, amicable, and become a good person overall.

"That's right…"

"I'll become a good person!"