Hiding From Her

Meng Ying frowned in disgust. "How long has it been since you've washed your hair? It's so oily!"

She then wiped her hands on their clothes.

An Xinyu and the other two looked so messy that one could not bear to look at them.

They wanted to curse, but they didn't dare to look up.

Meng Ying patted the back of their heads as if she was petting a dog's head.

"Don't say bad things behind people's backs. You will surely get your retribution that way."

Satisfied, she walked out of the coffee shop.

Ah Da saw Meng Ying's actions from outside, but he remained calm.

"Let's go buy some clothes."


The trunk was already full, but her mood to shop hadn't ended just yet.

Meng Ying didn't return home until the sun went down.

She asked Aunt Lian and the other servants to bring the things upstairs.

After drinking a glass of water, she asked, "Where's my husband?"

"Sir is in the study."

Meng Ying went to the study room.

After knocking on the door, she pushed it open and entered.

Mu Yuansheng was standing by the window with a cigarette in his hand.

He turned around to look at her. Her face had turned a little pinkish and charming because she ran up the stairs.

"Hubby, did you miss me?" Meng Ying walked over and wrapped her hands around his waist.

She was not very adept in her actions, but each of them was heartwarming.

It was as if they were deeply in love with each other and have been married for many years.

Mu Yuansheng had checked her profile once again.

When the eldest daughter of the Meng family fell ill at the age of five, she became mentally challenged and behaved abnormally.

As she grew older, her temper got worse and worse to the point that she would often become violent.

Any displeasure on her end would lead to her beating someone up.

Her silliness was well known in Yu City.

A few days ago, in order to woo the young master of the Lu family, she stopped his car to confess.

Then, Young Master Lu told her that he would marry her if she jumped into a river.

In the end, she really did it.

When she woke up, her actions were still not dignified befitting to that of her family.

In fact, she seemed to have grown frivolous.

But one thing was for sure—she was the farthest from being foolish.

Mu Yuansheng unwrapped her arms and took a step back. "Did you enjoy your shopping today?"

"Yes." Meng Ying's smile turned brighter and it became more dazzling than the afternoon sun.

Mu Yuansheng flicked his cigarette ash. 'Wow, she's really happy.'

Not long after she left, the notifications he received from his bank never stopped.

"What did you buy?"

"I bought a lot of things. Let me show you…" Meng Ying held his hand and walked out.

Mu Yuansheng subconsciously wanted to break free from her grip, but she grabbed him tightly.

He was captivated by her smile and hesitated for a moment before following her out.

She showed Mu Yuansheng everything she bought.

Of course, she remained quite thoughtful as a wife and bought him quite a lot of things as well.

Meng Ying took the clothes and put them on his body.

She nodded in satisfaction. "I really have good taste."

Yes, her taste was actually good.

Meng Ying suddenly took out an exquisite bag.

She acted mysteriously and whispered, "Hubby, I also bought some good stuff."

Mu Yuansheng frowned when he saw the wicked smile on her face.

"Tada!" Meng Ying took out the things inside and showed them to Mu Yuansheng.

Mu Yuansheng looked at the sexy and bold laced lingerie she was holding.

His throat tightened and his gaze drifted away.

Was this woman really silly or was she faking it?

Meng Ying was most satisfied with this one among all the things she had bought.

It was beautiful, sexy, and most importantly—attractive.

She accidentally fell asleep last night.

But today, she swore that she would not fall asleep tonight.

She must conquer such a good-looking man.

In all her years in Honesty World, she had never even touched a man's hand.

Now that there was such a good opportunity, she definitely would not let it go.

Mu Yuansheng felt a sense of foreboding.

He found that the air in the room seemed to have gotten heavier.

He cleared his throat and said, "Pack these things up first. I have to go and talk to Ah Da for a while."

"Okay." Meng Ying smiled until her eyes narrowed into a line.

Mu Yuansheng was a little frightened.

Meng Ying's expression made him feel like he was a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

And he immediately—from her expression alone—that he was going to be on the menu tonight.

Once he left, Meng Ying's smile slowly disappeared.

She looked at the door and then at the clothes on the bed.

He had rejected her when she held his hand just now.

He was indulgent toward her, but definitely not in love.

So, why would such a good person like him marry her?

At night.

After eating, Meng Ying stared at Mu Yuansheng.

Mu Yuansheng felt uncomfortable under her gaze.

"Honey, I'm going to take a shower."


Meng Ying went upstairs to take a shower and she happily changed into her sexy pajamas.

She laid on the bed and waited for the man to come in.

After a while, someone knocked on the door.

It was Auntie Lian.

"Madam, Sir took a call and went out. He told you to rest early and not wait for him."


Auntie Lian closed the door. Meng Ying got up and put on a coat.

With her long hair draped over her shoulders, she stood on the balcony and watched Mu Yuansheng's car drive out.

It would be strange if he slept with a silly wife.

But for Meng Ying, everything was just starting to become a little more interesting.

However, as a wife, she could not even sleep with her husband?

Tsk, how unpleasant!

The next morning…

Auntie Lian said to Meng Ying, "Madam, Mr. Meng called and asked you to go back today."

Meng Ying asked, "Me? Alone?"

"Sir will pick you up when he's done with work."

Meng Ying knew that the man was avoiding her.

Once breakfast was done and after washing up, Ah Da drove her to the Meng family's residence.

Although the Meng family was not one of the richest families in Yu City, they were still in the middle class.

Meng Shiliang's ex-wife was a business queen and she had helped the Meng family stabilize their position in the city.

Both of them were a loving couple and their family was harmonious.

However, when Meng Ying was five years old, she fell seriously ill and had a fever that damaged her brain.

They tried many treatments to cure her but to no avail.

Qu Wanzhen spent a lot of effort on her daughter, but she also fell sick after.

Later, Qu Wanzhen fell seriously ill when Meng Ying was just eight years old.

The medicine didn't work on her and she passed away.

Meng Shiliang loved his wife very much.

At that time, he was only in his thirties and was still in his prime. He had a rich family background and was also talented.

Naturally, many people were willing to marry him.

He didn't want to marry again.

But Old Lady Meng kept urging him to have another child while he was still young.

Moreover, Meng Ying was a girl. It was not a good idea for her to grow up without a mother.

Hence, he married his current wife—Zhang Di—when Meng Ying was twelve.

Zhang Di's family background was not bad either. If not for Meng Shiliang's talent, elegance, and good-looking face, the young and beautiful Zhang Di would not have married into the Meng family and became Meng Ying's stepmother.

Ah Da pressed the doorbell.

The door opened.

The housekeeper of the Meng family poked her head out and looked at Ah Da before looking at Meng Ying who stood not far away.

"Who are you looking for?"

Ah Da was puzzled.

'Wasn't Meng Ying the eldest daughter of the Meng family? Why can't the housekeeper recognize Meng Ying?'