If You Like It, I Will Get It For You

Mu Yuansheng knew about Meng Ying and Lu Jingyang. Lu Jingyang was obviously provoking him just now, but his provocation had turned into a joke now.

Men were probably vain too. Mu Yuansheng enjoyed Meng Ying's reaction.

It was rare for him to take the initiative to pat her back. "Hold on for a while longer," he said with his low and gentle voice.

"Can I hug you like this forever?" She buried her face in his chest, her voice buzzing.

Mu Yuansheng agreed happily.

Meng Ying stayed in his embrace for a while.

Her breath penetrated through his clothes and entered his chest. It felt like countless feathers were gently sweeping across his chest, scattering in all directions.

He regretted it.

He shouldn't have agreed to her in a moment of impulse.

He tried his best to focus on the auction. Not thinking about it calmed his restless emotions down.

"Who's that woman? Why would she buy the property rights for 'Leaping Dragon Bay'? She should do her homework before trying to take advantage."

"She must be filthy rich."

"She could have spent the money on something else. That villa is very strange."

"Who cares. Anyway, the government has thrown this hot potato out. It's fine as long as someone takes it and pays for it.


Meng Ying, who had buried herself in Mu Yuansheng's arms, heard everything.

A hot potato?


"…The final item is a bronze ring. According to historical records, this ring was once worn by a king of a certain country. The starting price is five million."

Someone next to them held up a sign. "Six million."

"7.5 million."

"Nine million."

"Ten million."

As Meng Ying listened to the bids getting higher and higher, she felt that Mu Yuansheng seemed to be getting restless. However, he remained quiet.

Was he broke?

Meng Ying looked up while the bidding continued.

"Why aren't you bidding?"

Mu Yuansheng said, "There's no hurry."

The bid had already reached 20 million.

Meng Ying looked at the bronze ring on the stage. It looked very old, and there was nothing special about it.

However, with so many people wanting it, it was probably not an ordinary item.

Meng Ying grabbed Mu Yuansheng's hand and raised her card. "50 million."

Another 50 million.

The crowd was in an uproar.

The couple once again became the center of attention.

"What the hell is she doing? Does the Meng family's money fall from the sky?" Zou Jiao looked at the infatuated Meng Ying, who was staring at Mu Yuansheng with loving eyes.

She was really generous.

Lu Jingyang saw that it was Meng Ying who raised the card for the man, and he thought that it was the man who wanted it.

He held up the sign slowly. "60 million."

Zou Jiao looked at Lu Jingyang in disbelief. He had already gotten what he wanted today. Why was he still bidding?

Meng Ying glanced at Lu Jingyang and raised the sign without any hesitation. "70 million."

"80 million."

"90 million."

"A hundred million."

Meng Ying was about to shout out loud again when Mu Yuansheng stopped her. "Forget it."

"How can I let it go?" Meng Ying wasn't satisfied. "If you like it, I will get it for you."

It was impossible to give up what her husband wanted.

Mu Yuansheng held her hand tightly and removed the bidding card. "It's alright. Just give it to him if he wants it."

It was meaningless to continue bidding like this.

In any case, he had already found the item. As long as he knew where it was, everything would be fine.

Meng Ying thought about it seriously and agreed.

If Lu Jingyang wanted it, why not just give it to him?

As for who would be the owner of the ring in the end, no one knew.

At the end of the auction, there was a small banquet.

It was rare for Meng Ying to be tactful and not pester Mu Yuansheng.

Judging from how Mu Yuansheng acted during the stone gambling at the Lan Yun Clubhouse and today's auction, he was definitely not an ordinary person.

Meng Ying went to the bathroom, and someone blocked her way as soon as she came out.

"Meng Ying." Lu Jingyang leaned against the wall and called her name.

In the past, he used to call her by her name with disgust, but today, he was exceptionally gentle and affectionate.

She looked really pretty without makeup.

Most men judge women based on their looks and figures.

If he could sleep with such a beautiful and sexy woman, that would be the joy of life.

Lu Jingyang had dated many women before. Now that he thought about it, none of them were as sexy and charming as Meng Ying.

If she had dressed like this in the past, he would definitely have accepted her.

Meng Ying wiped her hands. Her beautiful eyes seemed to be filled with stars. "What's the matter, Mr. Lu?"

"Why aren't you calling me Brother Jingyang like before?" Lu Jingyang walked in front of her and leaned over. "I didn't know that our Little Yingying is such a beauty. Do you want Brother Jingyang to bring you out to play?"

What an idiot!

What a waste of that good-looking face on that dirty person.


"Yingying, didn't you want that ring? As long as you go out with me, I will give that ring to you, okay?"

It was rare that Lu Jingyang had the patience to tease her.

Meng Ying thought about it seriously. Although Mu Yuansheng didn't say anything, she could tell that he really wanted the ring.

She would do anything to get what her man wanted.

"Sure. Where are you taking me to play?" Meng Ying blinked and asked curiously.

As expected, pretty fools could be fooled easily.

Lu Jingyang was overjoyed. "There's a small garden upstairs. Do you want to take a look?"

Meng Ying nodded before shaking her head and said, "You have to give me the ring first."

"Are you afraid that I'll lie to you?" Lu Jingyang laughed.

"If you lie to me, I will hit you." Meng Ying raised her fist and pretended to be fierce.

"I won't lie to you. I'll get someone to bring it to you later."

'It is rare for this fool to be smart for once.'

'However, a fool is a fool. She can be easily deceived with just a few words.'

Meng Ying followed Lu Jingyang upstairs. There was no small garden but a suite.

The moment they entered, Lu Jingyang locked the door.

Meng Ying's long hair was draped over her shoulders. She was wearing a long sleeve top and a long skirt that reached her ankles. Her facial features were exquisite and flawless.

She was truly fair-skinned and beautiful.

Even if she wore an outfit that did not show her figure, her curvy figure could not be hidden.

He would have already eaten her up if she had revealed even a little bit of her beauty in the past.

Men didn't need women to be smart when it comes to sex, but they needed them to look decent.

He glared at the oblivious little white rabbit as he approached her.

Meng Ying looked around the suite and saw that there was a big balcony outside. Based on the direction she came in, it should be the front hall door. There was also a balcony in the bedroom.

She heard footsteps and quietly took two steps forward towards the balcony.

"Yingying," Lu Jingyang called her.

She turned around.

Lu Jingyang was afraid of scaring her, so he did not go overboard. He only asked, "Do you still like me?"

Meng Ying remained quiet.

"Everything I have said in the past was not real. Actually, I like you very much. You are cute and innocent, and you have a sweet smile. I like hearing you call me Brother Jingyang. I like how you chased after me. Yingying, I was wrong. Can you forgive me?"

Lu Jingyang had mastered the art of lying. Even someone who wasn't a fool would be touched by him.

Meng Ying nodded. "Okay."

"Have you forgiven me?" Lu Jingyang grabbed her shoulders excitedly. "I knew that Yingying is the kindest girl in the world. Yingying, can I… kiss you?"

In the past, Meng Ying would have fainted from excitement.

She had once wanted to do those embarrassing things she had seen on television with Lu Jingyang, but he just ignored her.

Not to mention kissing, even pulling his clothes had disgusted him in the past.

"Where's the ring?" Meng Ying asked.

"Someone will bring it over in a while." Lu Jingyang couldn't wait any longer. The closer he was to her, the more he could feel the alluring scent from her body.

It had been a long time since he had tasted such a wonderful woman.

"Let's do something else first."

Lu Jingyang swallowed and moved closer to those sexy red lips.