You Can Marry Someone Else When I die. Isn't That Great?

Mu Yuansheng didn't answer Meng Ying.

He was not someone who would talk about love. Moreover, there was no need for him to lie to Meng Ying.

He gently removed her hand. "I won't lie."

"Not cute at all." Meng Ying got down from his lap and pouted.

This boring man had nothing else but a good-looking face.

Even if there was a beauty in front of him, he would not know how to coax her.

The next morning, Xu Nianhua sent someone to bring the medicine over.

Auntie Lian brought the medicine over to Meng Ying when she went downstairs.

"What's this?" Meng Ying pinched her nose and stared at the black thing with disdain.

Auntie Lian was also disgusted by the smell of it. "Madam, this medicine is good for your health."

Mu Yuansheng didn't tell Auntie Lian that this was the antidote for Meng Ying, so Auntie Lian only took it as a medicine for Meng Ying to nurse her body.

"I don't want it." Meng Ying waved her hand. "Get rid of it quickly. It smells terrible."

"But Sir said that you have to drink this medicine."

"I'm definitely not drinking it." Meng Ying walked away.

Auntie Lian was troubled.

Just at that moment, Mu Yuansheng walked in. Auntie Lian hurriedly sent a signal for help.

Meng Ying glared at Mu Yuansheng angrily. Not only he wasn't willing to coax her yesterday, but he also didn't even come to sleep with her at night even though she was waiting for him.

It was the same every day.

It was as if she was a wolf or a leopard that could eat him up.

Mu Yuansheng walked over and placed the medicine in front of her. "Drink it."

"No." She stubbornly refused to look at him.

"I'm sure you're well aware of the condition of your body. If you don't drink it, you'll feel more sleepy in the future." Mu Yuansheng said calmly.

Meng Ying glanced at the medicine. It looked ugly and smelled even worse.

She was not afraid of anything in the world except for the bitter Chinese medicine.

"No." Meng Ying suddenly stared at him. "Unless you agree to one condition."

Mu Yuansheng frowned slightly.

That pair of eyes looked pure and innocent. No one knew what she was thinking.

He said, "Sure."

"Sleep with me tonight."


Seeing the change in his expression, Meng Ying added, "I don't care. Anyway, my body is already like this. Who knows when I'll die? When I die, you can marry someone else. Isn't that great?"

Mu Yuansheng's expression instantly darkened. "Are you cursing me?"

"I'm clearly giving you my blessings."

"I don't want to be a widower at such a young age."

"That's not up to me."

Mu Yuansheng knew very well that he would definitely lose if he acted shamelessly with her.

However, he could not possibly allow her body to continue to deteriorate.


Meng Ying's lips curled up and her eyes lit up. "What did you say?"

Mu Yuansheng reluctantly repeated, "I repeat, I promise you."

"You promised to sleep with me tonight!" Meng Ying screamed happily.

Everyone in the house heard it.

Apart from being surprised, they couldn't help but laugh.

Mu Yuansheng's ears turned red and he pretended to be calm. "Hurry and drink the medicine."

Meng Ying took the bowl of medicine happily, pinched her nose, and drank it.

After drinking the medicine, she fanned her mouth with all her might and shouted, "Auntie Lian, cake!"

At night, Meng Ying watched Mu Yuansheng with a mischievous smile. She forced herself to stay awake and waited for him to get into bed before lying down with him.

Mu Yuansheng was like a fish on a chopping board, allowing Meng Ying to sharpen her blade and swing it at him.

The faint scent of wintersweet wafted into his nose from time to time, making him feel uneasy.

Meng Ying didn't pounce on him and only rested her head on his arm. She adjusted her posture and placed her hand on his chest. Closing her eyes in satisfaction, she told him, "Don't worry. Just sleep. I won't do anything to you."

The news of Leaping Dragon Bay being bought by someone spread throughout the real estate world.

It was rumored that the silly daughter of the Meng family had spent 50 million on it.

Many people were waiting for Meng Shiliang to become a laughing stock. His reputation was about to be ruined by his silly daughter.

Buying a territory that no one would buy. It must be because she had too much money at home.

Meng Ying stood at the entrance of Leaping Dragon Bay, which was overgrown with weeds. Even in broad daylight, the villa looked extremely gloomy.

"Ah, isn't this Miss Meng? Tsk, tsk, tsk. You are now someone with fixed assets. Should I call you Boss Meng instead?"

"50 million is nothing to Miss Meng. I say, Miss Meng, did you buy this lousy place to film a horror movie or to play hide-and-seek?"


A few nouveau riches who used to play with Lu Jingyang stopped the car on purpose and mocked Meng Ying.

Those were the people who used to tease Meng Ying.

Playing with a fool was much more fun than playing with cats and dogs.

"I heard that Meng Ying isn't ugly anymore. Seeing her today, she really looks like a fairy."

"Meng Ying, why don't you come to your territory with us?"

Meng Ying looked at them with a faint smile. Although all of them looked like decent human beings, the sight of them nauseated her.

It was all thanks to Meng Xin's jealousy of her beauty that she painted her into an ugly monster.

Otherwise, not only would she be insulted verbally, but her body would also become a plaything for these people.

"Sure." Meng Ying grinned. "Let's go in and play."

When those people heard her, they laughed happily. The leader of the gang, Zhang Wei, whistled like a gangster. "Let's go, brothers. Miss Meng invited us to play today, so we must play with her properly."

The extremely unrestrained and evil laughter of theirs sounded very scary in the empty villa area.

Meng Ying walked in front. She had a bright smile on her face, and no one sensed her malicious gaze.

The grass in the villa had grown taller than a person, and it seemed like there was no end to the road as they traveled further inside.

The men were not afraid. They walked inside and stopped Meng Ying.

Zhang Wei sized up Meng Ying. "Little fool, let's do it here."

The other four rubbed their chins, their eyes revealing their motive.

Meng Ying looked around. There was no one nearby.

"Sure." Meng Ying asked, "Do you want to come one by one or together?"

Zhang Wei and his brothers looked at each other. The desires in their eyes were obvious.

Doing this in broad daylight? So exciting!

Since Meng Ying suggested it, none of them bothered to be polite.

"You said it yourself. You'll have to bear with it."

Zhang Wei and his brothers surrounded Meng Ying.

The smile on Meng Ying's face disappeared. Anyone familiar with her would know that she had the intention to kill.

Her fingers turned into claws and stabbed into Zhang Wei's eyes.

Zhang Wei had no time to react. He could only feel his eyes burning.

He let out a wail, covered his face, and jumped around like a headless fly. "My eyes… they hurt."

Before the other four could react, Meng Ying's fist was already approaching them.

They were all weaklings who were used to flaunting their wealth. They were jackals of the same tribe and had taken liberties with many innocent girls.

They did not know anything when it came to fighting. Hence, when they meet a real killer like Meng Ying, the tricks they normally used to fight were useless.

Meng Ying knocked them down and they fell to the ground, howling.

No one saw how Meng Ying did it, and they definitely didn't expect Meng Ying to be so skilled.

Meng Ying stepped on one of their faces and looked down at them. "Fool? You want to play with me? Ha, let's see if you even have the ability to do so."

"Stop hitting me, Sister Meng. I was wrong. Please stop hitting me." The man who was being stepped on was called Zhou Yang. His mouth was full of mud as he begged for mercy.