No Mercy For Women

Lan Chen and Meng Ying sat opposite each other.

They were both beautiful people. One was charming while the other was flirtatious.

Meng Ying's eyes were like silk, sizing up the other party without any reservation.

Now that they were so close to each other, she could see how fair this man's skin was. Every woman would be jealous of him.

If he was dressed as a woman, he would definitely look better than a woman.

Her beautiful husband was handsome, but this man could only be described as beautiful.

"You are the eldest daughter of the Meng family, Meng Ying." Lan Chen allowed her to size him up. He picked up his teacup and blew on it.


"Rumor has it that the eldest daughter of the Meng family is retarded and ugly. Seems like we can't trust rumors completely."

"You've been watching me for a long time." It was a statement, not a question.

Lan Chen smiled and did not try to hide it. "You were in the limelight that day when you were gambling with stones."

"You flatter me."

"Aren't you going to give me an explanation for causing trouble here today?" Lan Chen and Meng Ying were both wolves in sheep's clothing.

Meng Ying tilted her head and raised the corner of her eyes. "If I have to give you an explanation, it would be that this is a good place to cause trouble."

Lan Chen laughed in anger.

This woman was especially arrogant.

In all these years, he had never seen anyone who dared to say that his place was great for causing trouble right in front of his face.

Was she treating him as a tool?

"What kind of place do you think Lan Yun Clubhouse is? If you want to cause trouble here, you should consider your status first!" Lan Chen was not someone who would show his emotions on his face.

Even if such vicious words came out of his mouth, they did not have any impact or prestige.

Meng Ying smiled embarrassedly. "It has already happened. What do you want?"


"I'm just so-so."

Ah Da watched from the side, feeling anxious.

Lan Chen was someone that the Ninth Master wanted to rope in. What would happen if Meng Ying offended him today and became an obstacle to the Ninth Master's plan?

"You caused trouble at my place today and made me see so much blood. If you don't give me a proper explanation, don't even think about leaving this place." Lan Chen was as elegant as ever. His fox-like seductive eyes had a hint of sinisterness.

Meng Ying sat still. "Why don't you be more direct? What do you want?"

"The imperial jade. As long as you give me that stone, I won't pursue today's matter."

"Ha. You wish!" Meng Ying smiled and fiddled with her clothes. "Boss Lan, I know you're beautiful, but stop thinking so highly of yourself."

Lan Chen narrowed his eyes. "You won't?"

"I shall see how Boss Lan is going to stop me from leaving this door." Meng Ying stood up and hooked her finger at Ah Da. "Let's go."

Ah Da frowned slightly. He didn't know how Ninth Master was going to ease his relationship with Lan Chen later on since things had already developed to this stage.

He should have informed the Ninth Master earlier.

Meng Ying walked to the door. A group of men in suits surrounded them.

She turned back to look at the beautiful man sitting on the sofa and smiled charmingly. "Boss Lan, you can't bear to leave me?"

"Those who caused trouble in my place had never left my place in one piece if they didn't leave something behind." Lan Chen crossed his legs and gracefully picked up his tea. "Pretty girl, you need to know how to make your choices wisely."

"Something that has never happened before has to be done by someone." Meng Ying smiled at him. "Boss Lan, don't lose more than you gain."

Lan Chen remained calm and collected. "I have no mercy for women here."

"Coincidentally, me too."

Meng Ying attacked as soon as she finished speaking.

Ah Da was completely shocked.

How could she attack just like that?

Meng Ying attacked quickly and accurately without any hesitation.

Ah Da was stunned.

The people in front of him were all thrown to the ground by Meng Ying in a blink of an eye. Ah Da reacted quickly and had also restrained a few of them.

Taking advantage of the opening, Meng Ying moved over swiftly to where Lan Chen was. She stood in front of him with a fork in her hand, pressing the sharp end against Lan Chen's fair neck.

"Mr. Lan, can you feel my sincerity now?" Meng Ying's voice was gentle and pleasant to the ear. If not for the weapon in her hand, he would have thought that she was flirting with him.

The others stopped when they saw that Lan Chen was held hostage by Meng Ying.

Ah Da knew that things had gotten way out of hand.

Ninth Master's plan to win Lan Chen over had been destroyed by Meng Ying.

Lan Chen did not panic and was even drinking his tea calmly. "Miss Meng, if you injure me, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear the consequences."

"With a beauty by my side, I don't mind."

Ah Da was speechless. How could she still flirt with men at times like this?

Wasn't flirting with the Ninth Master at home enough?

She wasn't stupid, but she was definitely a hardcore fan of handsome men.

Lan Chen's hand trembled. He put down his teacup and raised his eyebrows. "You're the first person to tease me so blatantly."

"My pleasure."

Everyone saw how arrogant Meng Ying was.

The rumored eldest daughter of the Meng family was like a piece of dog skin plaster that stuck to a man. If anyone provoked her, she would beat or scold them.

However, the Meng family's eldest daughter in front of him looked like she was going to kill him if he had provoked her.

The two of them were in a deadlock.

This stalemate was interrupted by a soft ringtone.

Meng Ying heard it clearly. It was the ringtone she had specially set for Mu Yuansheng's call.

She frowned but did not loosen her grip. She took out her phone with her other hand and instantly became obedient. "Hubby."

Her voice was soft and sweet. Those who hadn't seen it would never imagine that the owner of such a sweet and soft voice was holding someone's life in one hand.

"Where are you?"

The atmosphere became quiet and the attractive voice on the other end of the phone could be heard clearly.

Meng Ying smiled. "I'm playing outside."

"Did you forget to take your medicine?"


Meng Ying looked at the time. It was really time to take her medicine.

She glared at Ah Da. Why didn't he remind her?

Ah Da was speechless at her glare.

What did this have to do with him?

"Where's Ah Da?" Mu Yuansheng asked.

Meng Ying's expression changed again. "He's with me. We'll be back soon. I'm hanging up. Muah!" She quickly hung up.

Her husband had personally called to urge her to go home, so she had to go.

"Boss Lan, I'm in the wrong today. Take it that I owe you a favor. If you need my help one day, just say the word and I'll definitely help."

Meng Ying had already removed the fork from his neck and stood in front of him. She didn't look like someone who would compromise at all. "Of course, I'll be available anytime if you insist on going against me."

"The first sentence sounded nice, but the second sentence is really annoying." Lan Chen rubbed his neck. "Alright, since you've promised me a favor, I'll accept it."

Without another word, Meng Ying rushed out.

Ah Da nodded at Lanchen apologetically before chasing after her.

Lan Chen smiled. 'This Miss Meng is interesting.'

'No wonder Mu Yuansheng married her.'

When Meng Ying returned home, Mu Yuansheng, who was in his home clothes, was holding onto her medicine.

"Hubby." Meng Ying rushed over fawningly and was about to hug him when he held the medicine bowl in front of his chest.

Meng Ying would have knocked over the medicine if she hadn't stopped in time.