The Unreasonable Old Lady

"Respect? Which family are you from? What does your family do? You look like a talented person. Why did you marry Meng Ying? Are you after the Meng family's assets? A live-in son-in-law talking about respect? Didn't your parents teach you to respect your elders?"

Old Lady Meng glanced at Mu Yuansheng with contempt and directly disregarded him.

"Mother, you're going overboard with your words." Meng Shiliang could not take it anymore. "Yuansheng is not a live-in son-in-law."

"Not a live-in son-in-law? That's good. Tell me, how many betrothal gifts did he give our family? Hmph, even if Meng Ying is a fool and no one thinks highly of her, she is still the daughter of the Meng family. We would get a red packet even when we are sending a dog we don't want at home away."

Old Lady Meng's words were harsh. If Mu Yuansheng hadn't given her face because she was an elder, he would have chased her out of the house.

"Are you really Meng Ying's biological grandmother? You made your granddaughter sound so terrible. I wonder where your upbringing came from," Mu Yuansheng mocked.

"Meng Ying is my granddaughter. I can say whatever I want about her. You, on the other hand, have bad intentions. She spent so much money to buy that stupid villa, obtained the imperial jade, and then sold the raw stone of the imperial jade to the Meng family. That was your idea, right?"

Old Lady Meng was a domineering person who would not listen to others.

Her purpose for coming today was very simple. She had no interest in anything else.

"Meng Shiliang, you love Meng Ying so much. Why did you marry her off to such a scheming person? I'm afraid that it won't be long before he makes use of Meng Ying to empty the Meng Enterprise. Meng Ying is silly, but are you stupid too?" Old Lady Meng scolded Meng Shiliang in a weird tone.

"No matter how stupid she is, isn't she still your descendant? It's probably because the Meng family's genes aren't good that the family is so good at producing fools."

Meng Ying slowly went down the stairs.

The moment she saw Old Lady Meng's face, she knew that she was not easy to get along with.

In her memory, this old lady had never liked her.

Back then, when Meng Shiliang married Qu Wanzhen, Old Lady Meng was still farming in the countryside.

If not for Qu Wanzhen's business ability, Meng Shiliang would not have become a big shot in the jewelry industry so quickly.

However, Old Lady Meng had never liked Qu Wanzhen. Her son was one of the few university students in the village back then, and she felt that Qu Wanzhen was not worthy of him as she came from an unknown background. The marriage was not blessed by their parents, and she had gone to the Meng family without even holding a wedding banquet back then.

To Old Lady Meng, a person who was in such a hurry to get married was not a good person.

Later on, Qu Wanzhen gave birth to Meng Ying, who was found out to be a fool later on. From then on, Old Lady Meng treated Qu Wanzhen as a stranger and never greeted her once.

Those were what Zhang Di often heard from the old lady herself after she married into the Meng family and gave birth to her son.

Sometimes, she would even badmouth her ex-daughter-in-law to her current daughter-in-law in front of Meng Ying.

Meng Ying walked in front of Old Lady Meng. It was rare for her beautiful eyes to turn cold. "It has been a long time since Grandma studied. She probably hadn't learned anything about genetics back then."

"Who are you?" Old Lady Meng asked Meng Ying angrily.

Meng Ying smiled and said, "Looks like Grandma is really getting old. I'm your granddaughter, Meng Ying."

When Meng Ying was young, the old lady never came to visit her.

Later, when Zhang Di married over, the Meng Ying she saw was an ugly fool.

This beautiful lady was her silly granddaughter?

"Grandma, this is Sister." Meng Xin saw Meng Ying's rosy complexion and felt like she was literally glowing. She was so beautiful that it was dazzling.

Meng Xin had always known how beautiful Meng Ying was because she had inherited Qu Wanzhen's genes. After putting on ugly makeup for her for a long time, she had the illusion that she would be wearing ugly makeup all her life.

Who would have thought that she could no longer be manipulated after being married to someone?

She was beautiful, but she was just a pretty face who had no brains.

Therefore, she would not take it to heart.

"Meng Ying looks like this?" Old Lady Meng frowned and said, "She's just like her dead mother, like a demoness."

"Mom, you're an elder after all. Can you watch your words?" Meng Shiliang really could not stand hearing his mother talk about his deceased wife like that.

Old Lady Meng sneered. "If she looks like this, you shouldn't just marry her off and let her live off you. Didn't you hear that President Liu's wife died and he wanted to find a new wife? You should marry Meng Ying over. At least she can help the family. Now, you don't have any help and you're even giving yourself away."

Meng Xin lowered her head, unable to hide the viciousness in her eyes.

That was true.

If she knew that Meng Shiliang was going to marry Meng Ying off, she should have convinced him to marry Meng Ying to President Liu. That way, she might have a chance with Mu Yuansheng.

"Mom!" Meng Shiliang was furious. This was the first time he shouted at the old lady. "Is this something an elder should say? Aren't you afraid that others will laugh at you? Yingying is your granddaughter. Who are you trying to humiliate?"

Old Lady Meng was furious too. She reached out to pinch Meng Shiliang's arm. "Meng Shiliang, how dare you talk to your mother like that. You're really capable now. You don't respect me anymore. You're an unfilial son!"

Meng Shiliang was a well-educated scholar. Facing his mother's unreasonable outburst, he was both angry and helpless.

"There's a son for you to dote on at home but you love this thing more. You gave her so much money, and she spent it on a lousy villa. Fine, I know you're rich. Buying that villa is nothing to you. What about the raw stone? She even has the audacity to sell it to the company instead of giving it to us. Tell me, do you want to give all your assets to this fool? And this pretty boy, if he didn't ask Meng Ying to sell the stone to us, would Meng Ying have thought of it with a brain like hers? Let me tell you, Meng Shiliang, you have to get back all the money Meng Ying had gotten from selling the stone!"

Before Old Lady Meng was taken to the city, she was a tyrant in the village. No one could win her in an argument. She was really capable. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been able to do farm work alone at home to support Meng Shiliang after Old Master Meng had passed away.

Meng Shiliang's eyes were red with anger.

He would not have brought the old lady to the city to enjoy life if he was not grateful for the kindness she had shown him back then.

Years ago, when Qu Wanzhen was still around, she was filial to her as a daughter-in-law. No matter how much the old lady disliked her, she did not complain at all.

Instead, it was the old lady who kept picking on Qu Wanzhen.

She had even bad mouthed her to the neighbors.

He sternly told the old lady then that if she continued to spout nonsense like this, he would send her back home. It was Qu Wanzhen who advised him not to lower himself to the old lady's level.

Now that Qu Wanzhen was no longer around, how could he tolerate the old lady scolding her and Meng Ying?

"Meng Ying is now married, and whatever belongs to her is hers. You have no reason to take her things." If Meng Shiliang had known that Old Lady Meng was here to cause trouble, he would not have brought her here.

He even believed the old lady's nonsense about wanting to visit Meng Ying.

"Her things? What's hers?" Old Lady Meng questioned. Her spittle flew everywhere.

"Everything in the Meng family belongs to her!" Meng Shiliang was agitated.