I Want To Know Mr. Shawn’s Every Move

Right around the time of the internet explosion, an emergency team for the M Nation was being formed. It was made of the elites from all the different nations and they were meeting for the first time.

The M Nation is a country of human rights.

It would not have done so if it didn't care about their reputation but after having done all the calculations, the benefits far outweighed the losses of rescuing Shawn.

If the rescue was successful, then the M Nation would have an absolute say in the world, laying a solid foundation for the future after Kepler was founded.

Even if it failed, it would be written into the textbooks of human history, and its significance was far beyond the measure of money.

Many of the bigwigs also realized this.

Right now, the entire world was paying attention to Shawn.

If the M Nation or several allied countries succeeded in this mission, it would be explosive news.

But the difficulty was also obvious. It was unrealistic to free up a super spaceship just for the mission.

A super spaceship could carry over a billion people.

Displacing these people on other ships would be a huge problem.

Therefore, the allied countries had a crazy plan, which was to build a small rescue warship.

This would make the rescue possible.

There has never been a grander scheme in all of humanity's history.

All the higher-ups were extremely excited.

This involved the energy of the spaceship, as well as the technology.

It also caused the issue of slowing down the migration of the entire human race.

However, the rescue had to be done. The migration of the entire human race was no longer something that the alliance could decide on their own.

After all, hundreds of countries seemed to be considering the issue from the perspective of human morals.

However, in reality, they all had ulterior motives. Many countries expected, that upon arriving at Kepler, a Third World War would begin.

There were already signs of tension between the different countries.

The entire human migration plan had to be discussed among many countries.

There had been no other way. The alliance had organized a multinational conference, which included the heads of many high-tech countries.

In the conference room.

The expert said, "At the moment, Mr. Shawn's behavior is considered normal. However, as time passes and he discovers that he's the only one left on Earth, he might have a mental breakdown. The rescue plan cannot be delayed."

"Moreover, the fleet is about to enter hyperdrive."

"If the space-folding happens, the whole fleet will fly faster than light speed. All humans will enter a state of hibernation. The rescue plan will become impossible."

"We are now about a million kilometers away from Earth. If the signal is transmitted in one direction, it will take an hour to reach Earth, and that will only be in one direction."

"Even if Mr. Shawn receives our signal, I'm afraid he won't have the technology to respond to us."

"Most importantly, as time goes by, human hearts will always change. Even if we return to Earth with the spaceship to pick him up, if he leaves the designated area, it will take a lot of time, and the rescue mission will probably fail."

The meeting room fell into silence for a while before a large number of voices broke out in protest.

Most of the voices came from the leaders of the different countries.

"I don't understand. It's just one human. Is there a need for us to go through so much trouble?"

The leaders of the three countries said angrily.

The Rainbow Nation said, "What do you know? We are all human beings. We are all compatriots. Even if the loss is great, the rescue is worth it."

In the end, everyone's gaze focused on the elder from the M Nation.

"Mr. Shawn is a citizen of the M Nation and a citizen of the entire world. The M Nation is willing to pay any price to save Mr. Shawn."

"There will be difficulties in the rescue plan. I don't need you to tell me that."

"So from now on, I want to know Mr. Shawn's every move."