Will the Last Man on Earth Horse Around Until He Dies?

He was much smoother at writing complex chemical equations now.

This was due to the accumulation of chemical knowledge of a high level. Quantitative changes caused qualitative changes, showing through his work.

He wrote at the speed of light.

Netizens around the world watched in agony.

The pages were filled with densely packed chemical equations and symbols.

Even the chemical experts who had been making a lot of noise fell silent.

After a long silence, one chemical expert spoke up.

"This is brilliant, the work of a genius! We must find a way to save him."

The American chemist said, "That's right. Just these ten pieces of paper written with these chemical equations alone are priceless."

"Mr. Shawn is a genius."

Ah San said, "How can you tell if the Ball Owner is a genius? Is it not just random writing or drawing? How can I trust your words if I can't understand it?"

Even after he had finished speaking, he was still not satisfied. He sent a picture to the public screen.

When they saw the picture, everyone laughed out loud.

"Wahaha, it's a big cake. How talented! Why didn't you draw a beauty for yourself?"

The Chinese woman: "Ah San thinks with his butt. No one can keep up with Ah San's brains. I want to have a monkey with the Ball Owner.."

A netizen could not help but retort, "Are you crazy? Why would you say you want to have a monkey with the Ball Owner?"

This netizen was obviously a foreigner.

A flood of comments came in to support the Chinese woman and explain her sentiment.

Shawn gathered all the materials he had and left the bookstore. He drove to various kinds of stores.

Most of them were food supply stores.

"Where are the chemical experts? Come out. Do you really think the ball owner is studying chemistry and not about food? Why is he gathering various food ingredients?"

Shawn's actions confused all the chemists again.

Everyone realized that the chemical equations in Shawn's hands were probably a set of energy formulas.

Some of the chemical experts even guessed that the chemical equations in Shawn's hands were a set of high-energy fuel equations.

"Impossible. We set up a panel of experts yesterday and studied a page. We found that the information in Mr. Shawn's hands should be equations to create some kind of high-energy fuel."

However, Shawn continued to gather up huge quantities of food ingredients, slapping the faces of these chemical experts.

"I've said it before. Experts are all alike. If they don't have any real ability, they will crumble..."

The American chemical expert: "Watch your words. I've already recorded it. Be careful or I'll sue you for slander."

"Slander? This is a public space. I am not guilty. You don't know this? Even a three-year-old child knows this for a fact. Do you think I can be so easily fooled?"

The comment section went off like fireworks.

Shawn did not care about that. He picked up a small truck from the side of the street and drove past into one Chinese medicine store after another.

Finally, he drove to a chemical store.

"My God, look. What is the ball owner holding?"




"If I remember correctly, these should be sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, and nitric acid. Those are some dangerous liquids."

The Indian man had taken the opportunity to show off.

Everyone was still puzzled though.

The Chinese woman said, "Indian men are so knowledgeable. I bet they finished their high school education."

"Indian men are so knowledgeable. I bet they finished their high school education."

"Indian men are so knowledgeable. I bet they finished their high school education."

On the big screen, this line kept flashing, completely drowning out the Indians.

"I feel that the Indians are a little smarter than the experts in the United States."

Shawn also gathered a lot of other materials. White stone, yellow sulphur, green plants...

That was not all. He gathered dozens of liquids with different chemical concentrations.

He didn't go back to the hotel. Instead, he found a quiet bar and walked in.

He also found a music player and put on some light music.

"My God, isn't this my Tisch Bar? It's my honor to host the Ball Owner. Everyone, remember, this is my bar, Tisch Bar. I will continue to use this name when I reach Kepler."

After two days of observation, any real businessman could spot a huge business opportunity on the chat screen.

Any sentence that attracted a lot of attention would mean a huge amount of traffic.

Those sentences would get the attention of a billion or even ten billion pairs of eyes.

There was no better time than now to advertise.

"Oh my God, I feel that the Ball Owner is making a big move. Could it be that he is going to create explosives and destroy the world?"

That one sentence was like a bomb explosion in the comments section.

All sorts of comments flooded into the comment section.

As for Shawn? He was fully focused on his task.

His super learning ability allowed him to enter a state of total concentration almost instantly.

"Oh my God, the Ball Owner looks so handsome when he's fully focused. I want to give birth to a monkey for him."

"I want to as well."

"Me too."

"Me too."

Female fans from dozens of countries flooded the screen.

In the end, Ah San said, "If you want to give birth to a monkey, you can come and find me --"

"Get lost!!"

The words 'get lost' appeared on the big screen at least a million times.

"Hahaha, Ah San, Ah San, your ability to come out and receive scolding is unrivaled in this world."

The comments section exploded with all sorts of comments.

Everyone had forgotten that they had left their once beautiful and comfortable home behind.

Nobody in the world had ever thought that there would be a day when hundreds of countries would talk to each other so harmoniously. 

Forget the country, forget the nation, forget all the contradictions, and just talk like one big family.

This was only possible because of the man who had stayed on Earth.

Shawn was very careful, mixing dozens of chemical ingredients into a beaker and then added various ingredients to the mixture.


Everybody across all the spaceships jumped. It was like the explosion had happened in front of their eyes.

"F*ck, the last human on Earth is not going to die just like that, right?"

"Ball Master, Ball Master, don't die. I still want to give birth to monkeys for you."

"The last man on Earth, known as the Ball Master, blew himself up. From now on, the last man on Earth has died. I have nothing more to add."

The bar was filled with smoke.

Some people were gloating, some people were crying...

Suddenly, everyone heard it.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Shawn's face was black, and his hair stood on end. He climbed out from under the table, looking in such a miserable state.

However, he was not depressed at all. Instead, he laughed out loud in excitement.

He instinctively looked around to make sure no one was watching. Then he stripped naked and started dancing.


Brains all over the world melted...

"I did it! This feels great!"

Shawn cried out loud like a child who had received a gift of candy.

If Shawn knew that his every move was being watched by the entire world, he would not be so smug.

"What success? Has the Ball Master gone insane? He should have been blown up."

"F*ck, I know what the Ball Master is researching," Ah San said.

Although there was a big screen and much distance between the spaceships, Ah San knew.

He once again attracted everyone's attention.

"The Ball Master is searching for a race-changing drug. Look at his face. His golden hair has turned black. Doesn't that mean he's African now?"

The African man: "Kill Ah San. Does anyone agree?"

"I agree."

"I agree."

The public screen exploded again. The AI that was responsible for translating lost its effectiveness once again. Dozens of different languages appeared on the public screen in an instant.

Ten minutes later, everything returned to normal.

Everyone saw Shawn rearrange his clothes and started mixing again.

Finally, he carefully put the different materials into the liquid.

"Bloop, bloop, bloop..."

At first, the beaker just emitted some small bubbles but it suddenly started to boil like hot water.

"Oh no, it's going to explode again."