The Ball Owner Is Going to Hold a Global Concert

"Why did the bear run away? Can someone tell me what the Ball Owner did?"

The people of the world were stunned and did not understand what had happened.

Even the representatives and leaders in the command ship of many countries did not know what had happened.

The expert said, "Wild beasts in the natural world are actually very timid. As long as your aura does not lose out, you usually have a chance to survive. However, the Ball Owner was really brave just now."

"He actually kicked the bear's butt. The Ball Owner instantly killed the bear in terms of aura. Although the damage isn't great, the insult was extremely strong."

The expert's analysis was very detailed and everyone listened with great interest.

No one thought that there was any other reason, even the leaders of many countries thought so too.

As for kicking the car door wide open before, there was an easy explanation. Everyone thought that it was the eruption of one's potential during a crisis.

There were people in the scientific community who had long studied the power of potential. If a mother were to see her child trapped under a car, the sudden burst of power she would display would be even more impressive than the strength of an Olympic athlete who had trained all year round.

Seeing the crashed car, Shawn was not the least bit depressed.

His memory is now much better than before. When he passed by here earlier, there was a pickup truck parked by the side of the road not far from here.

"What is the Ball Owner doing?"

"Nonsense, there is no car. Of course he is turning back."

"The trek is more than a dozen kilometers. It is no different from running a marathon."

"F*ck, is the Ball Owner Superman? Running a marathon? There has been a car accident, why doesn't he call the police?"

"Are you crazy? Is there a policeman left on earth? Why don't you become one?"

However, Shawn only ran for a short while before an SUV appeared in front of everyone.

"F*ck, the Ball Owner's life is too good. How far did he run?"

"Oh my God, that seems to be my car. I was about to go to Hawaii for a vacation when I was suddenly picked up by a helicopter."

The public screen's live broadcast system had intelligent machines controlling the comments. It could often pull out dozens of the most valuable and informative comments.

When the owner of the car spoke, his comment was immediately presented to everyone.

"Owner, your car was stolen by the owner of the ball."

"Are all Americans like this? No one would take someone else's car in India."

"Ah San, go eat sh*t."

"I strongly recommend that the system permanently blocks Ah San."

Shawn easily started the pickup truck.

The car accident did not affect his mood at all.

However, he did not dare drive a Tesla anymore.

He arrived back at the Tesla production headquarters without encountering any other disturbances.

Upon reaching the headquarters, he did not waste time. He fished out an entire map of Hawaii.

He marked and drew on it. Slowly, a prototype appeared.

Everyone was paying attention to Shawn.

The common people couldn't tell what Shawn was drawing?

Through a large number of calculations from earlier, the higher-ups of the various countries all knew what Shawn was doing.

At this moment, the higher-ups saw the prototype on the map.

Everyone was shocked.

In the meeting room of the American command ship.

General Newt fell silent.

"Is he choosing a site to build a planetary engine?"

"That's right, general. The amount of planning involved is huge. He will need to dig out an underground channel thousands of miles long"

Newt frowned. "Mr. Shawn is a genius."

"But how could he make such a stupid decision?"

Professor Ron also frowned and said, "If there were hundreds of millions of workers on Earth, given another 20 years, this super-project would be feasible."

"But now, only Mr. Shawn is left on Earth. is it possible to complete such a thing?"

"Why is he being like this?"

"It Can't be that he didn't calculate the difficulty of the task, right?"

"It's impossible..."

Everyone was puzzled. They didn't understand why Shawn made such a decision.

The United States had developed an airplane as early as during the industrial era but a real airplane flying in the sky had to go through 100 years of refinement.

Although the engineering of this planetary engine did not include the technology of space folding, the scale of its construction was far from what a super spaceship would require. It was a super project that could move an entire planet.

"Don't tell me, Mr. Shawn, you really want to commander the earth?" Ron said with his eyes wide open.

Newt said, "Mr. Ron, if Mr. Shawn activates the Global Smart Factory, can this planetary engine be completed in such a short time?"

"General, that's impossible… Although intelligent factories can be automated, some parts still require the involvement of humans, and these factories are located in the United States."

"If Mr. Shawn uses the most rudimentary method to travel to these factories, it will take him several years to get there."

Ron's words made everyone even more confused.

With Shawn's talent, it would be possible to build a long-distance signal transmitter from an intelligent factory to a spaceship.

This should have been his top priority.

What he did instead surprised everyone. He wanted to build a planetary engine. It was an impossible project.

They couldn't figure out what Shawn was thinking.

Ron frowned and said, "General, Mr. Shawn, is it a mistake to think that we can't save him? Do you think that our spaceship has already entered hyperdrive so he wouldn't be able to receive the signal if we send one?"

General Newt's eyes lit up. "That must be it. Since Mr. Shawn knows that, we'll send a signal to earth from the ship to let Mr. Shawn know that we're not far away and that we're trying to rescue him."

"He just needs to wait on Earth in peace."

With a word from General Newt, a large number of people went to do their work.

At this time, Shawn took out a map of the world.

He wrote a special coding program on the computer to pinpoint the location of all the intelligent factories around the world.

He had read enough books to know how to do this.

This knowledge had been absorbed, refined, and heavily upgraded in his mind to be able to deal with the task ahead.

The computer was able to do preliminary work on its own.

In the evening. Instead, he drove the pickup, Shawn went out again but this time he didn't drive a Tesla car truck.

When he arrived in Hawaii, he went into a big supermarket.

The power system of the supermarket hasn't shut off yet. The food in the freezer was still fresh.

He picked some of his favorite foods, found a random restaurant, and began to cook.

He had the Beans of Immortality and a single one could last him ten days.

Eating beans all day though, wouldn't the joy of life be lost?

He cooked a table full of dishes and ate them all.

"This is Hawaii, why don't I have to look around?" Shawn muttered.

"Haha, the owner of the ball is probably the most ambitious person in the world but at least he is enjoying himself."

"Isn't that obvious? He's the only one left on Earth, he can enjoy it however he wants. What's the use of worrying about anything?"

At night, Shawn drank some wine in the hotel and found himself bored.

He muttered in his heart, 'This super-learning ability is flawed. I can now say that I can't get drunk even after drinking a thousand cups.'

His body, kidneys, and liver were becoming stronger as he drank.

Usually, as soon as the wine entered his stomach, it would be absorbed by his various organs.

"Eh! There's a karaoke place here?"

Shawn looked at the KTV in front of him and walked in without any hesitation.

"Ah, the Ball Owner is going to hold a global concert. Come, watch!"