The Ball Owner Is in Danger

The live broadcast of Earth filled the screen once again, everyone rejoiced.

They were disappointed though when they saw that Shawn had returned to base.

"F*ck, the Ball Owner has left the KTV. I want to listen to a song."


The sound came suddenly and the screen in front of everyone shook from the impact. Everyone jumped in shock.

"F*ck, what's going on?"

Shawn rushed out of the room the instant he heard the commotion.

As he exited the courtyard, he saw the flames soaring into the sky, bringing with it a wave of scorching hot air.

"What the hell is going on? Is there a mountain fire?"

Everyone watching cried out in surprise.

"A mountain fire, f*ck, isn't this a little sudden? Have you heard of the forest fires happening in Australia? It's going to take a few months to burn itself out. Tens of thousands of people will have moved and it will take a few months for the fire to die out. The Ball Owner is in danger."

"Ball Owner, don't go! Don't go over."

"Ball Owner, run quickly."

"Ball Owner, go up and see if it's an alien."

Ah San: "Could it be that the Ball Owner wants to take a sh*t..."

"Ah San, if you like eating sh*t so much, you go eat it."


"Why do I feel like it was a mistake to forgive Ah San so easily? Look, he's f*cking around again."

Ah San: "I'm just stating a fact. The Ball Owner is human after all. Have you seen him go the toilet?"

Everyone: "..."

This sentence stunned everyone.

This was indeed something to consider.

"The Ball Owner has not visited the loo since we started this live broadcast. Is he about to go now?"

Shawn did not know there were many pairs of eyes watching him.

He pushed aside the weeds and walked through the forest. He heard the crackling of flames and the sound of waves hitting the beach.

As he got closer, a hot wind blew against his face. What appeared in front of him was a ball-like object that was as tall as a two-story building. It was ablaze in flames.

It was entirely made of metal.

Shawn frowned and said softly, "Isn't this a satellite?"

"A satellite?"

"My God, is this the United States satellite that fell out of the skies?"

"I thought it was an alien spaceship."

"This is the first time I'm seeing a real satellite. It's so big."

Shawn walked around the satellite and frowned. "Are the skies not safe?"

"This is unbelievable."

Normally, when a satellite is about to crash, it would activate a self-destruct program. When it was still in space, its internal structure would be destroyed, and after hurtling through the atmosphere, it would be nothing more than dust and ashes.

Although the satellite in front of him was in flames, its structure was still in good condition. Perhaps the space inside was still intact.

"Could it be..."

Shawn shook his head. "Why am I thinking about this now? I should wait until the satellite cools down before I can even open it to take a look."

After such an incident, Shawn could not sleep.

He ate some beans, replenishing his body's energy levels.

He went back to his headquarters, picked up the blueprints and studied them carefully. He made notes on them as he went along.

In the American command ship, General Newt said, "Ron, do you think Mr. Shawn will treat the satellite as merely an accident? Then won't our efforts be in vain?"

"Young man, you should take an interest in things you have never seen before."


Ron shot up and stared at the big screen. "Mr. Shawn, this is a good choice for the location of the planetary engine."

"There is 30 kilometers of free space and it is next to the cooling sea water. It's also not far from the Tesla Factory. The location he chose is very suitable."

"But in the end, it's a futile and impossible project to finish."

Suddenly, a few pieces of paper fluttered to the floor.

Ron bent down to pick up the papers, glancing at them as he did.


Ron's expression changed as he jumped back in shock.

"What's wrong, my great scientist?" Newt said with a smile.

"Nothing good," Ron said suddenly.

"Mr. Shawn is in danger."

Everyone on the command ship stopped what they were doing.

Wasn't everyone busy working?

Wasn't it to save the god-like Ball Owner back on Earth?

Why is he suddenly in danger?

Newt was anxious and pressed Ron for an answer.

However, Ron ignored him and rushed to his computer. He opened the projector and carefully observed the terrain, landform, and all natural resources surrounding the Tesla Factory.

His expression became grim when he spotted the gap in the forest that had not been there before.

"What's wrong? Say something."

Newt was a hot-tempered man. He found it difficult to keep his cool when he encounters such a situation,

Ron did not answer Newt's questions. He kept on zooming in on the spot in the forest using the spaceship's advanced technology.

Everyone saw that the Tesla factory was surrounded by acres of natural forest.

A big hole, caused by the fall of the satellite, had appeared in the fence surrounding the perimeter of the forest

The originally lazy animals had all become alert, watching the flames not far away.


Newt's expression also fell.

The satellite they had crashed was meant to alert Shawn and carry to him important messages.

They now realized they had caused a huge disaster. The satellite had turned deadly.

It had tore a big hole in the fence of the wildlife park.

This widlife park contained many carnivorous and herbivorous animals that formed a perfect ecosystem.

When humans migrated, the United States government did not remove the outermost fencing of the wildlife park.

It was because they thought that the wild animals in it could form a perfect food chain on their own so they saw no need to remove it.

However, when a satellite fell...

Ron did not need to explain himself.

Everyone knew the seriousness of the situation.

Inside the zoo, there were lions, tigers, Asian elephants, all kinds of venomous snakes, and every manner of ferocious beasts.

There was now a gap in the protective fence. If these animals walked out of the forest, wouldn't Shawn be killed instantly on sight?

"How about we send a message to Shawn and warn him about the danger?"

Newt said something stupid without thinking. Right now, Shawn's was not paying attention to the satellite.

The temperature of the satellite was over hundreds of degrees and it would take two or three days for it to cool down completely.

Newt slammed the table in a hurry and said, "What is he doing? Why isn't he paying attention to the satellite?"

"The Ball Owner is a workaholic."

"Yeah, he's still studying the map at this time of night."

"I don't know anymore. He keeps looking at the map. What is he trying to do?"

"I want to give the Ball Owner a monkey."

"That is perfect for night time. You can try it out and we can watch the live broadcast."

"I have a question. Is there a big mountain forest near Hawaii? Where did that brown bear run out from earlier? Will he come out at night and cause trouble for the Ball Owner?"