I Am Just Here to Pick a Site. Why Am I So Unlucky?

The tiger's spirit lifted once again.

The car wound along a bumpy road.

The pickup still had some off-road capabilities, so it wasn't that bumpy inside the car.

The car had an automatic driving system, so there was no need to step on the accelerator or the brake, it was easy to drive.

Shawn read the map in the car and slowly traveled back to his original location.

Shawn used this time to organize himself.

First of all, the entire human race had left Earth. He didn't have anyone to help him.

If he wanted to build a planetary engine, he had to transform the factory.

If he wanted to transform the factory, he had to have enough intelligent systems in place to optimize its fullest capacity.

The prerequisite for all of this was to maintain a steady power supply.

The current power supply was provided by a tidal power plant located near the Tesla factory.

Tidal power plants rarely needed manual maintenance, unlike thermal power plants. Once the coal and gas burned out, the plant would automatically shut down.

This was also why the power supply had not been cut off.

As for nuclear power, don't even think about it. The entire reactor must have been removed.

However, the tidal power plant had been unmaintained for a long time. Something could go wrong one day. The continuous power supply from the power plant had to be guaranteed.

Additionally, Hawaii was located on the equator. It was sunny all year round. There must be a solar power plant somewhere nearby. This could also be used.

With these power plants, the supply of electricity could be guaranteed. Only then could the renovation take place.

Once the quark fusion jet of the planetary engine has been completed, the problem of steady energy supply would be solved.

Shawn parked the car in an empty space.

"Here, this would be a good spot for the middle of the planetary engine."

"There are no buildings around, so it would save me a lot of trouble."

The people watching the live broadcast cried out.

The big tiger had been secretly following Shawn.

In the West was a Disney Water Themepark, also the entrance to the future underground tunnel.

The Tesla factory laid in the North, which was Shawn's headquarters.

The Eastern part was covered by an endless sea, which could be used to control the temperature of the project.

The southern part was a wildlife park...

Shawn studied the map in his hands and broke out in a cold sweat.

"The southern part is a park hundred of kilometers wide..."

"Woof woof!"

Shawn jumped on the spot and saw a stray dog suddenly come out from the grass and bark at him.

"You scared me. Don't be so scary in the middle of the night."

The dog barked twice, its face was filled with anxiety.

Shawn smiled and said, "You must be hungry."

"Woof woof!"

The dog turned around in circles looking very anxious.

"A human has appeared?"

"I have a new master."

The dog was on the verge of tears.

A few days ago, its master had suddenly disappeared. The dog had been on the verge of breaking down.

The dog had been left to fend for itself, it had managed to only catch a couple of frogs here and there. Without much food, the dog had become skinnier and skinnier.

"Oh my God, isn't this my Wangcai? Wangcai, I've finally found you."


Even though they knew that the tiger was nearby, many people on the public screen still laughed

Shawn returned to the car and took out a piece of beef jerky.

He threw it to the dog.

Barely having time to sniff the meat, the dog scarfed down the jerky.

"Woof woof woof..."

It let out a low growl to remind the human man in front of him that this place was dangerous.

Shawn frowned and said, "Still hungry? Then get in the car. I'll take you back to the factory."

"Woof woof!"

No matter how smart Shawn was, he was still a human. Even with his super-learning ability, he could not understand the dog.

Shawn exited the car and waved at the dog. There was only one human left on Earth. It wouldn't be a bad thing to have a canine companion.

"Woof woof woof…"

The stray dog let out a hoarse growl and looked at the grass from time to time.


Shawn's body stiffened.

The stray dog hesitated for a moment, howled, and rushed into the grass.

Shawn widened his eyes.


"Am I that lucky?"

When the dog reached the edge of the grass, a big white paw suddenly reached out and swiped the dog's body.

The dog let out a blood-curdling scream and was sent flying. Nobody knew if it was dead or alive.

A pair of sharp eyes appeared out of the grass.

They were the eyes of a tiger.

The tiger stood at 1.5 meters tall. This big tiger stared at Shawn as it walked out from the grass, growling in a low voice.

The tiger had a fierce look on its face.

On all the spaceships, the hearts of all its occupants leaped to their throats.

"What should we do? The Ball Owner is in danger."

"This is it, it's the showdown. I'm not hiding anymore. I am so nervous..."

"Will the Ball Owner run?"

"Is this a Manchurian Tiger?"

"The king of the forest. And this is a natural wildlife park? Tigers are much braver than brown bears. Humans don't scare them."

"Ah, what will I witness here? Will I see a tiger eat a human? This is nerve- wrecking."


"Run for what? If Shawn does anything now, the tiger will rush him without any hesitation."

He had only come to survey the site for the planetary engine. How could he be so unlucky?

Shawn then thought of the satellite that fell from the sky could have killed him.

He had met a brown bear earlier, and now there was a tiger. Couldn't he have met a docile cat or something?

He must be really unlucky.

Although his body was stronger than the average man, this was a huge f*cking tiger.

It was so big. Who knew if he was a match for it in hand-to-hand combat?

The last human on Earth was about to meet an unjustified end.

The last human on Earth would turn into tiger poop...

He had read many books about fighting.

The man and tiger stared at each other for three seconds, then Shawn had a thought.

"Isn't this just a big cat? What's there to be afraid of?"

Shawn bent down slowly and picked up a tree branch from the ground.

In the live broadcast room, everyone was going crazy.

"Oh my God, look at the Ball Owner. He's going to fight the tiger."

"A branch. Is that a toothpick for the tiger?"

"Oh my God, who's going to save Mr. Shawn? He is the future of humanity, the future leader in science and technology."

"If Shawn dies, it'll be a loss to the entire human race."

"I want to see what kind of poop a tiger will produce after eating a human. I hope the authorities will do a live broadcast of the tiger."

Tigers were cats.

All cats had similar characteristics.

They played their prey to death before slowly enjoying their meal.

Tigers were even more special. By relying on their natural advantages, the first thing they would do was make their prey break down and do something out of character, such as turning around and running away.

This way, the tiger could pounce on its prey, biting down on the back of its neck and kill it instantly.

However, Shawn held the branch in his hand and did not flee.

"Hahaha, Ball Owner, can you give the tiger some face?"

"A human like you will lose a lot of face to this tiger."

The tiger grew a little impatient. It started pacing back and forth but its eyes never left the human in front of it.

Shawn looked as if he had been turned to stone. He barely moved his body, keeping the tiger within his view at all times.