The Popular Influencer’s Puppet

The moment he pressed the "Accept" button.

The assassination system's website popped up Jerry Mac's personal information.

But even if he did not look at the information, Hughes already knew Jerry Mac's general situation.

On one hand, Jerry Consortium was very influential in Gotham City.

On the other hand, it was Jerry Mac's wrongdoing in the city.

It was said that many of his companies were involved in illegal activities, and some were even completely involved with underground society.

As early as a few years ago, many people, whether anonymously or not, had reported the illegal transactions of Jerry Mac's company.

But in the end, no news was heard about these whistle-blowers, and without these whistle-blowers, the whole thing naturally ended up as nothing definite.

From this point, it was not difficult to see how powerful Jerry Mac was.

Of course, the more evil-hearted Jerry Mac was, the more he fitted in with Hughes' assassination choice.

However, it was slightly difficult to make this guy's death seemed like an accident.

After all, as the head of the consortium, not to mention having bodyguards by his side 24 hours a day, even one had to go through layers of screening before meeting up for an appointment with him.

Under such circumstances, even assassinating him directly was almost impossible to complete, not to mention letting him die in an accident.

But these were not important to Hughes, because he only needed to use the puppet to easily complete the assassination.

At that time, Hughes opened the website, browsed through, and read some personal information about Jerry Mac.

Before the assassination, he intended to know more about Jerry Mac's life habits in order for him to carry out this assassination.

As a result of this investigation, Hughes made a very pleasant discovery.

Just tomorrow morning, Jerry Mac arranged a yacht party.

The party would be held on his private yacht.

And this party invited a lot of celebrities and beautiful influencers in Gotham.

According to the rumors, these guests had some kind of relationship with Jerry Mac.

At that very moment, Hughes immediately had a perfect plan in mind.

The most important thing was that this plan could make Jerry Mac's death look like an accident without arousing any suspicion.

With the help of his ability, which was the Puppet Manufacturing System, it was easy for Hughes to make crafts.

Using the leftover pieces from making his dream puppets, Hughes quickly made a perfect packaging gift box.

The size of the gift box was just enough to put in the puppet that he made.

Putting the puppet in, Hughes decorated the gift.

After packaging and carefully decorating it, the gift instantly became high-end and lavish. It was a work of art with exquisite workmanship.

Looking at the piece of art in front of him, Hughes smirked. Then, he took the gift and drove away.

Hughes, who dressed in a courier's outfit, brought the puppet gift box to the door of the famous internet celebrity's home in Gotham City.

Hughes was very confident in his disguise.

After all, with the help of the puppet system, not only did he have the skills to make puppets, one of his best skills was his ability to disguise his appearance.

Meanwhile, a beauty who had facial plastic surgery and dressed fashionably opened the door.

When she saw Hughes, she was stunned for a moment before asking, "What's happening?"

"Hello, this is your package. Please sign for it."

At first, the Internet celebrity was a little confused.

She tried to recall, but she did not seem to have bought anything recently, and nobody told her about sending any parcels to her.

However, as a popular internet celebrity, where she had countless admirers, she didn't think too much about it.

Many admirers who admired her would send her things. Perhaps this was a gift from one of them.

With little doubt, the celebrity beauty received the package.

However, the moment she saw the delicate gift, her expression changed.

Seeing the change of her expressions, Hughes already knew that he had succeeded.

Therefore, he did not stay any longer and left directly.

The internet celebrity did not care about Hughes' leaving.

Because she was completely attracted by such exquisite packaging.

Gently touching the package of the gift box, the celebrity could not wait to open it.

When the gift box was opened, she was stunned the moment she saw such an exquisite puppet lying there. 

Although she knew little about art, she knew that the puppet in front of her was definitely expensive to make.

After all, the puppet was so perfectly made that it looked real.

There was even a moment when the internet celebrity thought that the puppet was a real person.

With an incredulous tone, the celebrity muttered, "How could a puppet be created so perfectly?"

But regarding this exquisite handicraft, the internet celebrity was not that happy.

After all, for her, she was more concerned about how to make herself more beautiful or how that brand of clothes would be more revealing and more attractive to a big financial group boss like Jerry Mac.

She wanted to make him more infatuated with her and pay more money for her.

As for crafts, she did not pay that much attention to them.

"Oh, right! doesn't Jerry Mac like crafts?"

"Wasn't I worried about giving something to him at the yacht party just now? Isn't this craft the best gift for him?"


Thinking of this, the celebrity could not help but get excited.

This yacht party, Jerry Mac would definitely invite many beauties to attend.

If she wanted to stand out among these women, she would have to go to great lengths.

Well, this puppet in front of her just solved her problem.

Imagine this: In front of a large group of people, she gave such an exquisite craft to Jerry Mac who was obsessed with the arts and crafts collection.

Why would she have to worry about how to get Jerry Mac's favor?

Understanding this, the celebrity quickly got out of bed and dressed up. Then, she immediately drove to the beach along with the puppet.

As for the reason behind this doll, she did not think about it anymore.

Not far away, she looked at Jerry Mac's luxurious yacht and vaguely saw all the beauties dressed sexily on the yacht.

She could not help but grin.

Looking at the beautiful gift beside her, the celebrity stroked it gently and said to herself, "Because of you, I will be Jerry Mac's only main character today."

However, what she did not realize was that the puppet in her arms blinked unconsciously.

At the same time, in a distant house, Hughes felt it.

He knew that his plan had worked.

Not long after, Jerry Mac would be becoming a corpse.