Mission Accomplished

Not just that, there was more. If he encountered girls who were more vigilant, then Jerry Mac would tackle them in a more brutal way.

This would cause these girls to suffer a greater psychological trauma.

Many girls got depressed because of this and they were forced to live in fear for their entire lives.

Moreover, there were even some girls who would go to the extreme and end their own lives.

Due to Jerry Mac's financial group being extremely resourceful, they could always find a way to calm it down even though this had become a serious issue.

So, all this while, Jerry Mac was not only completely fine, but also became more and more rampant.

Even after assaulting a girl, just because her parents wanted to protect their daughter's rights through the law for justice, Jerry Mac would order his own men to kill her parents through drunk driving on purpose.

Not only that, he also found the poor girl who was harmed by him.

Then he let his dozens of men get together to rape the girl, filmed a video, and uploaded it to the Internet.

Most importantly, he also removed the girl's organs and secretly sold them at a high price to earn the last bit of profit.

In the end, when the girl's body was found, only Jerry Mac's unlucky underlings were arrested.

As for Jerry Mac himself, because of his power, he did not get affected at all.

Even before this mission, Hughes was aware that Jerry Mac was not a good guy.

However, he did not expect that he would be this outrageous. To assassinate such a scumbag, Hughes had no sense of guilt at all.

If it were not for the mission requirement, Hughes would have killed him right away.

Looking at Jerry Mac who was still sleeping soundly in the puppet world, Hughes' eyes filled with coldness.

This guy did not deserve to be called a human; he was simply a devil.

Based on Jerry Mac's actions above, it was not even enough for this guy to die a hundred times!

Through the puppet's eyes, he looked around the room.

Suddenly, Hughes saw a few bottles of champagne on the table in the room.

An idea instantly came to his mind.

He took the champagne into the puppet's world.

Then, he woke Jerry Mac in that world.

In the puppet's world, everything was under Hughes' control. Jerry Mac had no self-consciousness in this world.

Hughes began to control Jerry Mac to drink crazily.

He drank up all five bottles of champagne.

Then he brought Jerry Mac back to the original world.

Once back to reality, Jerry Mac didn't know why, but he felt bloated and uncomfortable.

The drinking made him dizzy.

He subconsciously urged himself to go to the bathroom.

But the drinking had already made him dizzy. What he didn't know was that he had accidentally opened the door of his room, not the bathroom's door.

His room faced directly to the sea, and the drunk Jerry Mac stumbled over the railing and fell into the sea.

Because it was late at night, no one noticed that he had fallen into the sea.

The most important thing was that Jerry Mac, who had drunk five bottles of champagne in a row, was so drunk that he couldn't even cry for help, let alone save himself.

Through the puppet's eyes, he saw Jerry Mac struggle for a while before disappearing.

Hughes couldn't help but smile.

Then, he silently logged into the assassination system and immediately submitted the mission!

After clicking on the submit button, a notification popped up in the assassination system.

[You have successfully submitted the mission. The system will automatically verify it. After verifying, the reward will be automatically transferred to your designated account. A 20% service fee will be charged.]

In response to the system's notification, Hughes turned off his computer.

If nothing unexpected happened, the news of Jerry Mac's death would spread widely across Gotham City tomorrow, and he would finally receive a reward of one million US dollars.

Right now, he was very concerned about his sister.

He went to the kitchen and prepared breakfast for the next morning. He placed all of them neatly on the dinner plates.

In the darkness of the night, Hughes walked alone to the hospital.

It was already late at night. Although no one was accompanying her, his sister was still very sensible.

She did not cry. She just hugged the doll that Hughes had personally made and fell into a deep sleep.

Looking at his sister's pale face due to the illness, Hughes carefully placed the breakfast next to his sister and said carefully, "Sister, don't worry. No matter how much money you spend on your illness, I can still afford it."

"I will definitely make you happy and healthy."


The pale moonlight shone on Hughes' face. His expression was solemn.

After a long time, Hughes turned around and quietly left the hospital.

At the same time, a big motion happened at the assassin website regarding the mission that Hughes submitted.

After all, the mission to assassinate the head of a big financial group like Jerry Mac was incredibly challenging.

Moreover, it needed to be done as if it was an accidental death.

Normally, only those top-notch assassins would accept this kind of mission.

But even those top-notch assassins could not guarantee themselves that the mission could be completely done. 

So, many top-notch assassins would not accept this kind of mission as it would affect their overall mission completion rate.

Therefore, the website had no choice but to lower down the level needed of the assassins required, hoping that some assassins would accept this kind of mission.

Nonetheless, this mission had been posted on the website for a long time.

Even the person who posted this mission began to become less hopeful for this mission... But to his surprise, someone actually accepted it!

Most importantly, this mission was only accepted for less than ten hours, yet the mission had been submitted and completed!

At that moment, the website's auditor immediately reported this matter to their superior leaders.

The leaders also took this matter very seriously. In their opinion, if the mission was really completed in such a short amount of time, then this assassin was definitely an impressive man.

The leaders immediately arranged investigators to verify the mission.


In the early hours of the next morning, the celebrity beauty, who had been lingering with Jerry Mac until late night yesterday, finally decided to get up.

But she realized that Jerry Mac, who slept beside her, had disappeared.

At first, she thought that Jerry had just gone out.

After putting on her clothes, she had been searching for him for a long time, but still couldn't find Jerry Mac.

It wasn't just her. Everyone on the yacht noticed his disappearance.

Since this morning, no one had found any trace of Jerry Mac.

A faint ominous feeling rose in them.

Everyone hurriedly checked the surveillance camera on the yacht.

When they saw it, they realized... when everyone was asleep last night, Jerry Mac had actually slipped and fell into the sea.

In other words, Jerry Mac had been drowning in the sea for more than ten hours by now!

If that was the case, Jerry Mac was dead for sure!