New Mission!

On the other hand, Hughes did not hold back either.

After knowing that the police department had closed the case from the news, he immediately proceeded to take on the next mission.

After all, money mattered the most now.

His sister was still lying in the hospital, waiting for him. Although he already got the reward from the previous mission, it was still a drop in the bucket.

The reward could only maintain his sister's life and cover the expenses in the hospital for a short period of time, but ultimately, it was not a long-term solution.

Hughes wanted to earn enough money and find a way to completely cure his sister's illness.

And all of this, in the end, needed nothing more than money.

As long as he had enough money, he believed that his sister's illness would be cured.

Thinking of this, Hughes' eyes revealed an unprecedented determination.

He turned on his computer and logged into the website.

Just as he entered the homepage of the website, he was a little startled.

He saw that his personal information had changed.

He was originally a rookie in the assassin rating column.

But now, it was written as a Bronze assassin!

He had been upgraded!

From a rookie, he had upgraded to a Bronze assassin!

"Looks like it was because of the experience value given from the previous mission."

Hughes did not pay too much attention to it. But his mood lightened up a bit.

Although he did not care much about the rankings.

However, it was still a good thing that he had been upgraded as the most important thing was that once his assassin rating went up, it meant that he could do more missions.

After all, many well-rewarded missions had very strict level requirements for assassins.

Hughes did not dwell too much on his thoughts and carefully checked if there were any new missions that he could do.

Soon, his eyes brightened.

It looked like he was pretty lucky today. He found a mission perfectly for him.

[Mission: Kill the son of the chairman of Gotham City's multinational pharmaceutical group, Ada!]

[Requirements: Must be an accidental death!]

[Assassin Level Requirement: No restrictions!]

[Reward: 2,000,000 USD!]

"This is it!"

After briefly checking the mission requirements, Hughes made up his mind.

This mission was perfectly suited for him.

First of all, the reward was relatively generous.

Secondly, the location was in Gotham City, so he did not have to cross the border to commit crimes.

In this way, it would not delay him from taking care of his sister. Otherwise, he really would be worrying about his sister.

Of course, what was more important was that he had already looked through all the missions and the bounties.

In comparison, none of them were suitable for him.

However, although he had decided to do this mission, Hughes did not immediately accept it.

He still had to investigate Ada's background first!

Even though he was now an assassin, and his hands were destined to be stained with blood and wandering in the darkness, he had his own principles. He would not let himself degenerate into an inhumane murderous demon.

If this Ada really deserved to die, then he would not hesitate to end his dirty life and would not guilty about it.

However, if this Ada was a good person, then he would not kill him.

No matter how generous the reward for the mission was, he would not do it.

Otherwise, what was the difference between him and those inhumane animals?


Without further ado, Hughes quitted the website and immediately searched for information about Ada.

Just as he expected, as the son of the chairman of the largest listed pharmaceutical company in Gotham City, Ada was so popular that the information on the internet was overwhelming, and there were all kinds of comments.

But most of the comments were accusing Ada of being a heinous, mischievous, spoiled rich kid.

It could be said that he was notorious!

However, Hughes did not jump to any conclusions on Ada yet.

He was very rational and cautious.

Clearly, in today's society, the wealth disparity was great.

In this money-oriented environment, the rich people would always be observed and prejudiced.

Most people, in general, had a kind of hatred against the wealthy.

This mentality was even being infinitely magnified in today's world where social media was becoming powerful.

Under these negative vibes, envy, jealousy, and hatred, anything could be said regardless of whether it was true or not.

Therefore, it could not be ruled out that Ada was being slandered wantonly.

Hughes knew this very well.

Therefore, he did not look at those undistinguished rumors that were hard to verify whether it was the truth or not.

Instead, he extracted and refined the messages he needed from the chaotic information.

Soon, a copy of Ada's introduction was sorted out by Hughes.


Gotham City's top rich kid!

His father was the chairman of Gotham City's largest pharmaceutical group.

His reputation was notorious from the outside world. He was indeed a spoiled rich kid!

His favorite thing to do was to go to nightclubs and hang around with female celebrities.

He had been photographed by the paparazzi many times walking out from the nightclubs, hugging one on the left and embracing another on the right.

Reading until here...

Hughes could not help but fall into silence.

From what he saw on the internet, this Ada was nothing more than the ordinary spoiled rich kid.

However, the puppet was still needed for Hughes to check that spoiled rich kid's real situation in the dreamland.

Yet, it was quite hard to get near Ada and deliver the puppet to Ada without exposing himself.

At that moment, Hughes once again fell into his thoughts and began to plot his plan.

Ada loved to mess around with women?

All of the sudden, a eureka moment flashed through Hughes' mind.

His eyes lit up when an idea came to his mind.