Another Accident, Kalitan’s Dead!

Just as Alice had said, she was really busy.

She was busy investigating the whereabouts of the Puppeteer!

But sometimes, reality was more cruel than the imagination.

Even though she kept cheering herself, reality hit her hard.

After a few days of continuous investigation, they had investigated all the relevant shops in the entire Gotham City.

But they still did not find any clues.

There were thousands of miscellaneous shops, and the daily traffic of these shops was very high. It was basically looking for a needle in a haystack. The investigation was extremely difficult.

Although she had expected this result, Alice could not help but feel a little depressed.

At this moment, it was close to evening.

It was already past the end of the day, but Alice was still sitting at her desk in the police station, looking at the files in her hands in daze.

She tried her best to recall the details of these cases in her mind.

After a long time, her gaze returned to Kalitan.

Among the people who had come into contact with the mysterious puppet, she was the only one who was still alive.

Moreover, according to the mysterious Puppeteer's meticulous style, it was very likely that he was playing the role of the delivery man.

A flash of inspiration flashed through Alice's mind. Her eyes immediately lit up.

She felt as if she had found some traces again.

She stood up immediately and rushed towards Kalitan's house.

She was eager to find out more about the situation.

Soon, she arrived at the villa where Kalitan lived.

She saw that the villa was brightly lit and the iron gate outside the courtyard was open.

She heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that she was lucky and did not miss the chance. Kalitan was at home.

Alice did not stop. She walked through the courtyard and arrived outside the villa.

Knock, knock!

Knock, knock!

Alice knocked on the door.

At first, she thought that Kalitan did not hear her, so she knocked again even harder.

However, there was no reaction. The villa was quiet and there was not a single sound.

Alice frowned. She knocked heavily on the door again and shouted, "Miss Kalitan, it's me, Alice from the police station. Can you open the door?"

"Miss Kalitan, are you at home?"

Just like before, there was still no reply!

Was it possible that she was not at home?

Looking at the brightly lit villa, confusion flashed across Alice's face.

She didn't think too much about it. She thought that Kalitan might have forgotten to turn off the lights when she left.

Alice turned around and was about to leave.

But at this time, her nose twitched.

There seemed to be a rotten smell in the air!

After being a police officer for so many years, Alice was too familiar with this smell.

It was the smell of a dead body!

She suddenly turned around and stared at the door of the villa.

The source of the smell came from here!

This time, Alice's heart sank. She had a bad feeling.


She took out the police gun from her waist and carefully approached the door.

This time, she noticed that the door was not locked!

She turned the handle and the villa's door opened easily!

And when she entered the villa, the stench became even pungent.

There was no mistake. It was definitely the smell of a dead body.

Alice carefully entered the villa and checked every room.

Finally, in the bedroom, her body jerked to a halt. A look of shock appeared on her face when a body came into her sight.

In the huge bedroom, there was a corpse lying there.

It should have been a few days since she died, and her body had started emitting a rotten stench.

And the corpse was actually Kalitan!

She was naked and her body was all covered in scars. Her lower body was even more bloody.

It was abnormally tragic, and it was a shocking sight!

What kind of inhuman torture and unimaginable pain she had experienced before she died!?

The murderer was simply not human!

He was worse than a beast! He had actually tortured and killed her!

As a female, Alice was extremely angry, and her whole body was trembling in anger.


Time ticked by.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour had passed.

At this time, the inside and outside of Kalitan's villa were all filled with the police officers.

They carefully surveyed the scene, not letting go of any trace of the criminal.

In the bedroom.

Alice was still there. She was watching coldly as the medical examiner examined Kalitan's body.

Due to there being too many injuries on Kalitan's body, it really delayed the medical examiner's work.

When the medical examiner examined her, his eyes were filled with shock and anger.

Even though he had seen countless dead people, there were very few who were as miserable as Kalitan.

Alice had already turned her back against the body this time. She could not bear to look anymore.

Her eyes were filled with flames.

She must capture this damn beast in order to comfort the soul of Kalitan in heaven.


After the investigation was over and the crime scene was sealed off.

The group returned to the police station and held a meeting overnight.

This case was not as troublesome as the previous ones.

Therefore, this meant that the murderer was not as powerful as the Puppeteer.

There were many traces left at the scene.

Moreover, they also found that there seemed to be traces of cleaning at the scene.

This meant that the murderer had intentionally destroyed the evidence of the crime. It was a pity that the murderer seemed to be a novice and his methods were extremely unprofessional.

In fact, most of these murder cases happened every year.

Before committing the crime, they were just ordinary people and had no experience at all.

The police officers in the police station were very experienced in dealing with such people.

They were confident that they would be able to capture this damned bastard and bring him to justice in just a few days.

When they thought of this, everyone could not help but let out a long sigh of relief and felt a little more relaxed.

To be honest, they had been exhausted these past few days!

They were not exhausted physically, but mentally.

The confidence that they had was almost destroyed by that mysterious Puppeteer.

Some even started to think that they were useless.

So much so that even though the Puppeteer had been committing crimes one after another under their eyes, they were still unable to do anything about it.

They had really been struck.

But now, Kalitan's case happened at the right time.

For a moment, the police officers were full of energy, and their enthusiasm was unprecedentedly high.

They wanted to vent their frustrations and grievances that had been suppressed by the Puppeteer for a long time.

They wanted to prove that they were not useless.

They were not useless!

It was just that the Puppeteer was too powerful!

Everyone was screaming in their hearts!