Human Life Was Being Traded Wantonly Like Goods!

The next day, Alice woke up.

At this time, she had already calmed down. She did not wallow in misery for a long time.

Instead, she had adjusted her emotions after one good sleep.

She went to work as usual and came to the police station.

Not long after she arrived, she was welcomed by the latest thorny problem.

No one dared to console the family members of the victims.

To everyone, expressing condolences was the most difficult part to handle. It was inevitable that they would feel bad. They couldn't bear to see the family members of the victims cry and be heartbroken.

In fact, they had encountered this many times.

Although everyone was unwilling to go, they had no other choice. In the end, they could only bite the bullet and complete it.

However, this time, it was different from the past.

These two women who were killed had died too tragically! So tragically that it was simply outrageous!

Even outsiders like them, who had no relations with the victims, also found it difficult to face it.

No one could imagine how the families of the victims would react when they found out the truth!

Therefore, no one from the police department was willing to go. In the end, it was the Chief who personally called for a police officer and forced him to go.

He was also forced into a corner. He had no choice. However, after arrived, he hurriedly expressed his condolences, then immediately ran away. They did not dare to see what would happen next.

After learning about this situation, Alice felt a little bad.

Moreover, at this moment, she was still worried.

It was very likely that the victim's family was unable to take it and would take some extreme measures. This was a situation that no one wanted to see.

Thinking of this, Alice decided to visit the victim's family and try her best to calm them down.

Then, she simply packed her things and went straight to Kalitan's home.

Kalitan's home was in Gotham City, not far from the police station.

Therefore, in less than twenty minutes, Alice had arrived.

Knock, knock!

She gently knocked on the door. Alice was wearing her uniform, which could explain why she was here.

To her surprise, the reaction of both of Kalitan's parents was very strange.

Logically speaking, when one's parents heard that their daughter had been killed, as parents, their state of mind and body would definitely collapse. They would even feel heartbroken.

However, right now, in Alice's eyes, Kalitan's parents were unusually calm. They were talking and laughing. They did not look sad at all.

Under such circumstances, Alice was shocked.

She almost doubted that Kalitan was their biological daughter.

With this doubt in mind, she asked, "Hello, I'm a case officer from the police station. I'm here to make a follow-up visit to Kalitan's case."

"Follow-up visit to what?"

"There's nothing to say."

Kalitan's father waved his hand and said impatiently, "This matter ends here. We won't pursue it."

"Huh? Won't pursue it?"

Alice was stunned. She had never expected this to be like this.

How could this be their reaction?

She asked in confusion, "What do you mean by that? Are you planning to let this matter pass just like that?"

"That's right,"

Kalitan's father nodded unconcernedly before continuing with a hint of joy on his face, "The murderer has already apologized and admitted his mistake. He even paid a hundred thousand dollars to show his sincerity. That's one hundred thousand dollars! Look at this kind of sincerity. Doesn't that prove that he has already come to his senses? Anyway, she's already dead. What's the point of pursuing it? We should give him a chance to amend his mistakes."

"And you police, stop meddling in other people's business. We won't pursue this matter anymore. There's no need to hold onto him and not let him go, right? According to me, hurry up and let him go."


Hearing this, Alice was dumbfounded.

Her eyes were wide open and her face was filled with disbelief!

She never expected that Kalitan's parents would say such a thing!

Were they still her parents?

Just because of one hundred thousand dollars, they let go of the murderer who tortured and killed their daughter?

Their attitude towards their daughter's death was so cold that it was creepy!

Alice had never encountered this situation before!

For a moment, Alice felt a strong sense of sadness!

If Kalitan saw her parents like this, how would she feel?

Although Alice was filled with anger, she really wanted to curse them.

However, her sanity stopped her.

She was an outsider. What reason did she have to criticize others?

Thinking of this, Alice could not help but strain a smile. Then, she turned around and walked away.

She was afraid that if she looked at these two people again, she would be so disgusted that she would throw up at them.

At the same time, she was extremely angry at the Smiths' actions.

They had no guilt and even made use of money to resolve their son's crime!

They really thought that money could settle everything, and that they could treat people's lives as goods, buying and selling them wantonly!

As she walked on the road, Alice had been thinking about this problem.

However, she had no way to deal with it.

After all, the people would not hold an official accountable. Although the current law was not like the old days anymore where even if Kalitan's family did not pursue the matter, they would still punish Johnson according to the law.

However, under such circumstances, they would reduce his punishment as they saw fit.

This was something that Alice could not accept.


After a long while, she took a deep breath and dispelled the distracting thoughts in her mind.

Alice walked towards the house of the young girl who died tragically. She didn't know if her parents were also bribed with benefits like Kalitan's parents.

Before she visited Kalitan's parents, Alice would never believe it.

But now, she hesitated!

The answer would soon be revealed.

And this time, it did not let Alice down. She heaved out a sigh of relief.

In front of a typical house, an angry middle-aged couple were pushing and shoving a few men in suits.

"All of you get lost and leave my house! You want to buy my poor daughter's life with your stinky money? You are simply daydreaming! Let me tell you, I will not let this matter rest like that! I will go to the police station and report you! Let that bastard receive the punishment he deserves! Let him receive the death penalty!"

Hearing these words, one of the men in black sneered. "You have to think clearly. She's already dead. It is no longer useful to dwell on it. You might as well be sensible and take some money to spend the rest of your life. Otherwise, don't blame me for not warning you. The consequences are not something that a commoner like you can bear. Moreover, so what if you insist on appealing? Let me tell you the truth. It's useless."

This threat was very obvious, and his attitude was extremely arrogant.

The middle-aged couple pointed out with their trembling fingers and opened their mouths, but no sounds were made. They were too angry to say anything.

Suddenly, a young man rushed out of their house with his hand holding a kitchen knife. His eyes were bloodshot. He looked like he had gone mad.