It was a cool Sunday evening and a handsome man was walking home from the nearby grocery store. He stood at about six feet tall with glossy dark hair with sky blue eyes . This was 18 year old Seth Blackburn. Seth had grown as an orphan as his mother died while giving birth and his father had just disappeared after his birth. They tried to track him down but it was futile.
Seth had grown up knowing how cruel the world can be which led to his calculating personality. He was always calm and assessing every action and its consequence before making a move. Moreover, he was gifted with eidetic memory which led him to be hailed as a genius in school. However to him this was very annoying and stressful as people always kept pestering him with theories or math problems luckily he left all of that behind when he graduated.
His pass time activity was watching anime and movies. He was always deeply engrossed as he watched the superheroes flying through the air or as his favorite anime character powers up a unlocking a knew transformation and overcoming his challenges. His favorite anime was the seven deadly sins.
As he was walking home he was excited because the final fight of the demon king against the seven deadly sins would be releases today. Zeldris became Seth's best character because of his calm personality and commanding skills as well as his abilities.
While Seth was not paying attention to his surroundings a drunk driver was speeding and recklessly driving. Drivers swerved out of the way trying to avoid the drunkard as chaos was the only thing left as the guy passed. Suddenly the car started to veer towards Seth. Waking from his stupor he saw the car approaching and he could nothing at all to avoid it. Luckily there were no other pedestrians . At almost the last moment the guy turned and hit a nearby tree . Seth was speechless as breathed a sigh of relief but he was not so lucky as the nearby tree fell down on Seth killing him immediately
[ Where am I ?] he said trying to remember the last moments leading to now. He could only let out a sigh as cam to term with his death. [It was out of my control anyway] I thought . As he examined his surroundings he found himself in a white room with nothing there. [This must be the afterlife
[ Welcome Seth Blackburn] boomed a majestic voice that left him dumbfounded as he started to look around for the voice only to find nothing.
[Don't bother looking you are too weak to even look at me but you can imagine me as what you mortals call god] said the god.
[So let me guess I died due to a mistake you made and now I get a second chance at life] I said hiding the excitement in my voice.
[Foolish mortal do you really think I could make a mistake, such blasphemy I am omniscient I brought you here for a reason] the god replied anger clearly evident in his voice.
[So why am I here and why did I have to die to come here] I said as sadness was clearly exhibited as I realized this is not some novel this is real life.
[You are here to eliminate a certain individual that is destroying one of the universes I have created. I believe he goes by the name of Darkside. ] It replied.
I was relieved for a moment before reviewing those words in my head for a second my expression.
"Wait doesn't that mean that its the DC universe. NANI. That universe was real but wait if I go there without anything I'm even less than canon fodder" I thought
[But wait what of those heroes in that universe didn't they defeat him?] I asked.
[Unfortunately no Darkside won and obtained the anti life equation and he destroyed every planet that didn't submit to him creating a cruel empire. In the last moments I used my to rewind time but couldn't do anymore than that because I'm only allowed to interfere when the universe is about to be destroyed] It replied.
[ Do I get any abilities kami- sama] I asked hoping for the best.
[ Yes you actually get four wishes now hurry up and get out ] he said still pissed from the earlier statement.
If its only four then I better not screw it up.
After thinking for about ten minutes he finally cam to a decision.
[For my first ability I want to have Zeldris powers plus his demon forms including a true magic form] I said.
[Done however for that wish it will also come with a high demon constitution ] It replied.
(A/N Basically he will be like Zeldris with 7 hearts and be able to manipulate demon magic]
[Ok then. for my Second wish is I want to have the Rashomon ability of Akutagawa for my third wish I want the Inversion of ability of the demon king from 7DS and for my fourth wish I want to have Derriere's combo star ability ] I finished
[Done but for the third wish you will only be able to use it once every two weeks since it is a bit too powerful. Some other things you need to know is that I have decided to give you the ability to see others strength as power levels plus you will need to get proficient in your abilities before unlocking stronger forms plus you will get a simple status board to track your progress and to top it all of you will get Zeldris looks but you will be slightly taller. You will get sent at the age of sixteen six months after the forming of young justice]. It replied.
Before I could say anything anything else I was thrown through a portal. Seems he really wanted to get rid of me.