Chapter 5

Silence permeated the air as the young proteges were in a state of disarray. It was the same up in the watchtower. After all I had just beat one of the strongest members of the league. Now that I had their attention It was time to finally start my plan on how to beat Darkside. I formed hands out of darkness and kept their jet in place. I left the wounded Superman and went to their jet.

[ I would like to speak to your leader. Do not claim it to be one of you because you are far to inexperienced to be the main attack force for threats. If they do not come I doubt any of you will leave here ] I said in an ominous manner.

This should remove any lingering doubts well I doubt that they would have them anyway. Soon, a sleek bat themed jet arrived surrounded by the famed heroes of earth. I was tingling with excited the downfall of Darkside starts here. My plan was simple all I need to do is acquire a few things and the first items on my list were technology and an army. It was said that Darkside was a god who had conquered thousands of planets. It would be a suicide mission if I fought alone, I had a few Ideas on where to get such an army and this all started with the JL.

I plan to use this opportunity to take over the Justice league using the commandment of Piety. As stated anyone who turns their back against the wielder will became a slave to the Demon king or the proxy which is now me. All this time I made that none of the people who came turned their back on me as I planned to do this in one sweep. The heroes landed and I saw Batman alight from his vehicle and made his way towards me. I guess they agreed before coming here about who should talk. Batman really was the best choice.

Bat: [ So why did you call us here. I'm sure you have the strength to kill them all ]

[ Now now, Isn't it a bit rude not to introduce yourself with your team] I said feigning ignorance.

They proceeded to introduce themselves and I did the same but I said I was the one and only Zeldris the Executioner. I made sure to include the title. I then said I wanted to make a deal. Even though I was going to control the founding members there were still others with their ranks I was not too sure I could beat. People like Doctor Fate who was a guardian of order or John Constantine who could send me to hell. I had made a list of who to avoid before I had a higher power level.

The deal was simple I gain immunity from the attacks of Justice league members and In return I offer my strength in times of need. This was why I beat down Superman who by the way was mostly recovered enough to stand. I guess a Kryptonian can really be invincible with enough sunlight .

Anyway, Batman accepted the deal. I guess they already know about the threat of Darkside and need all the help they can get. I'm sure Batman has already started planning my contingency plan if I ever go rogue. After who would trust a demon fully. I forcefully removed the teens from their jet and let them go. I didn't want to take chances because I don't know whether they would know what was happening so I decided to control them as well.

Finally the moment came when they all started to leave just before they could fly away I activated the commandment. Suddenly red sparks started to form and they passed by the JL. The next moment they all turned towards me and knelt down. Wonder woman hesitated for a split second before proceeding to do the same. It seems that due to her heritage she was able to resist it for a bit. I should try it on some gods when I'm stronger.

We then returned to the watchtower but I ordered them to act normal as I didn't want to arouse any suspicion. As soon as we arrived they Batman put out an announcement that I am a new member of the league through the super computer. Every member received the notification be they on a mission or are just resting. I also had Batman put out a search for Rachael Roth aka Raven as she would be a key factor for the next step of building an army. I also had them star on recruiting people with abilities and training them to be members of the JL. Who wouldn't want to be a part of Earth's greatest heroes and for supervillains they could just do the usual or ehatever they do with them.

With that underway I was devising a plan on how to get the needed technology. Although the JL and earth were advanced It was not enough to contend with alien races in the universe and that is why his next step was to find a way to take control of the soon to be earth visitors the REACH. The alien race that made Blue beetles scarab. It was said that at one point in time they were so powerful that the entire Green lantern corps banded together jus to stop them. If they could o it oce they can do it again this time without interference.

With that marks my first step int he New world.