The start to a new biginning .(Prologue)

Aeolus was currently going down the street goin to universite X to meet with his friend George and get to his first class of the day chemistry.

"Aeolus : hi there goerge whats you doing there body."

"George: nothing much im just chating with a girl that i met on tinder and im trying to find out if shes underage or not in a round about way you."

"Aeolus: george i think im finaly going to do it i am going to confess to Susan about my fellings for her after school."

"George: thats great man i am rooting for you ."

"Aeolus : Thanks goerge but it is almost time to go to class so lets go there before the bell ring so we want have to put with Mr.Dickson crap again for being late."

"George: f**k i forgot we have first periode with him today lets make a run for it."

2 minutes later

"Mr Dickson: look at you you made in time today ."

"Aeolus/George: yes sir."

"Mr Dickson: ok dont start that just get to your seats."

Aeolus/George fist bumped and snickered for having won this time.

30 minute after class started

An erthquacke happend and evryone ducked under their desk for cover .

And after the earthquacke stopped they rushed out to the yard

"Aeolus: huff huff are you okay george that was pretty scary it had to be atleast a tier six erthquacke we are lucky nothing bad happend."

"George: huff huff yes dude that was scary i almost had a heart attack right there."

10 minutes later after a metting

"Mr Dickson: the staff has decided that school would be canceled for today under the assumption that another earthquacke may occure so pleas all student head to you homes carfully and study for tomorrow."

After the announcement Aeolus and parted ways since they wanted to check on their family members quickle and their homes were in oposite directions.

"Aeolus pov: I hope mom and dad are okay . ohh shit i forgot to confess to susan with all tha happend today.And then he saw it In the corner of my view i saw susan the girl i loved was about to be hit by a car because she wasnt paying attention.So i instictivly run after her and pushed her out of the way. And after that it was nothing but the complete emptiness of a black space and an unkwon power pulling him."

'ROB pow : F**k i should have paid more attention double f**k why dint i check if everithing was alright after i caused that earthquacke .And now i have to deal with this but what should i do it was not his time to die and needs to be compensated for

the loss of his future.'

"ROB: cough cough young men please pay attention because i have something important to impart you with you have died because of mishap that happend because i wasnt paying enough attention so before you ask i wont sent you to heavan or hell depenting on the deffinitione of what see them as but i will sent you to a random world of my choosing with one wish that wont be anything broken like beeing a kryptonian or sth like what you are thinking right now."

Aeolus pov:

'AEOLUS: i am a litle saddend about the fact but i should look it from the bright side litarally the being in front of me is giant blinding ball of light like the sun.what do i do know and the is when i heard this ROB's voice it was neither male or female and was telling me about why and how evrething happend and how i am going to be compensated with one wish when it shut me down without allowing me to wish for something broken like my first choice kryptonian but what can i do.'

"Aeolus:ok so lets look over the fact that you just read my mind and you are a god and lets talk about the world that you are going to sent me in."

"ROB:hmpff ok the world i am going to send you in is the world where the Darling in the Franxx takes place."

"Aeolus: F**k why do you want to sent me there why not sth like the MCU or any other tame anime world out there."

"ROB:because i said so and also you had one minute to pick a wish but now its 15n seconds."

"ROB: 15 ..... 14 ..... 13 ..... 12 ... 11 ..... 10

"Aeolus: I have my wish wish for tony stark level intelegence with his memories just before the end game movie started."

"ROB:Wish acepted and a smart one at that now off you go."

"Aeolus: Wait what will happen to my fam.........."