[1 hour later after the warm up]
"hachi: everyone pair up and get ready for fnaxx training"
"everyone:yes sir"
"Naomi: hi Hiro I am glad that you are ok you scared me"
"Hiro: hi naomi it is nice to see you again"
"Naomi: i hope you are not out of shape so lets beat the others"
"Hiro: sure sure naomi but are you ready"
"Naomi: ofcourse I am "
"Zorome: are you ready to lose Hiro"
"Miku:yeah are you ready"
"Ichigo: zorome shut up and get ready before i come and kick your as*"
(zorome gets flustered) "Zorome:hmmm i will beat you too this time so dont get cocky"
"Ichigo: goro we have to beat them."
"Goro:do not worry i will not let them beat us"
"Hiro: see you in a bit goro you'd better not lose to anyone else"
"Ichigo: do not worry hiro we will not lose so you better dont either"
"Goro: what ichigo said you better be prepared for us"
"Hachi :everyone please pay attention pair1 i Ichigo&Goro pair2 is Hiro&Naomi pair3 is Zorome&Miku pair 4 is Mitsuru&Ikuno and pair5 is Futoshi&Koroko.
"Hachi: first you will have to go through an obstacle course where you will have to get past dfiferent obstacles while doing the most damage to the klaxosaur holographic images while you set off the least amount of damage alarms on your franxx time will be added for every obstacle you fail to cross perfectly and for every alarm you set off.The time added is as follows obstacles time added 12 seconds
and damage alarm 30 seconds do all of you understand."
"everyone:yes sir"