Self Pleasure!

Frustration surfaced on Shirley's entire face. Her nerves were on the verge of popping out due to the anger and furiousness which she felt rushing to her head. 

If she wasn't her daughter, probably she would have unleashed all her furiousness on her. Without showing any kind of warmth, Shirley replied, "You are here to ask me about Javier? Are You out of your mind Amaira?!"

"B..but mom... I tried asking you while we were having dinner. You told me to ask you later but… I was.. just curious." Her voice lost its sound until it reached the end of the sentence. Lowering her face, she played with her fingers in nervousness.

Amaira was not only fearing her mother's wrath but also the fact that she is disturbing her personal time. Yer her mother's cold attitude wasn't any foreign to her.