Javier's Fiance

Embarrassment spread all over his heart yet he was relieved that Jennifer isn't awake till yet. Otherwise, it could have been a more awkward moment with her, if she saw him like this.

Moreover, though it was normal for a man to have boners in the morning, the major thing was her girly scent which was making his body react immediately, without his control. God, how can he taste the sweetest temptation early in the morning?

With that, Javier tried to remove her hand from his body but failed miserably. Also, her grip tightened more as compared to earlier which brought a tired sigh out of his lips.

'If she wakes up.. and sees me like this…' No, he can't even imagine such a situation. He knew this kitten was still innocent. How can he turn her into a wild cat all of the sudden? 

Keeping the same thought in his mind, Javier lifted his arm and tried to pull Jennifer quite away from his figure, with gentleness. In a similar manner, he finally succeeded.