
"Sir... they have sent a video.." Lucas lost his calm. Straightaway he walked to Vlas and snatched the tab from his hands. 

Opening the video, his eyes never tore from the black background. His heart was throbbing at the next level but at the same time, he had no other option but to wait... 

The video started playing when the hard, and deep intoxicated voice was heard, "Mr. Lucas Smith, how have you been all these years?" 

"I know, we never met. Since we have kept a close watch over each other for years, we both are aware of each other's information very well. I guess it won't be very hard for you to know who am I. If I'm right?" 

Lucas's eyes twisted in annoyance but still, he had to stay calm and hold his grudge to listen to what they had to say, "You Must be aware till now, that I have kidnapped your bride. She is with me and I'm also aware of the killers that you sent to my island...