Mere hostage!?

Behind the bar? Jennifer wanted to speak a lot. She never expected herself to be termed as a runaway criminal now when the title of being kidnapped bride was already tagging alongside.

A chuckle escaped through her lips, which made Amaira wonder, why is this lady laughing. She looked at the lady from top to bottom, and couldn't help wondering what had gotten her to deal with such a lady who had no sense.

But in contrast to Amaira's tucking, Jennifer was finding it more funny and interesting

"Will you like to have a walk with me? Ellen, can I have a walk here? I promise I will not run and obvious you can keep an eye over me too." She turned around and asked in the most pleading tones with an assuring smile.

Seeing her cute and sweet nature, Ellen automatically agreed but then Jennifer asked another query, "Can I tell the story?"

The words were confusing and puzzling. Amaira didn't understand for whom she asked permission but Ellen wasn't mad.