Lover Turned Kidnapper

For a few more seconds, Javier was totally lost.

The girl was sitting on the bench in the last corner of the room.

Her attention was towards the lecture, not even knowing that someone was staring at her with such an intense look.

His gaze kept on lingering on her face. Due to the distance and many students in between, it was too hard for him to see her too clearly.

But his eyes caught the glimpse of slightest features and her well-defined face. 'So she is the one…' 

"Brother, she is beautiful, right,'' his friend whispered into his ears, with a wicked smile on his face.

Javier passed him a straight look, ignoring the smile and the tease in his eyes

For a few minutes, his eyes swept across her face, not tearing away from her small figure. 

Noting how she scratched her head if she fails to solve any question or raises her hand whenever the teacher asks any question in the class.