A toddler!

Javier's shaky voice from behind sent her into a dilemma.

She turned around to look at his face to notice that he was looking at her with a deep, intense gaze. "Are you sure?" She asked with a lot of uncertainty. 

But her voice wasn't able to hide her excitement to touch flowers for once. "Yep. I'm sure. They are really beautiful and I'm sure that you will find them attractive as well." 

With his approval, Jennifer bent on her knees and touched one flower, but it immediately closed itself. 'Probably this is, 'Touch me now..'

It was silky and beautiful to the next extend. Back in her state, she rarely saw anyone developing a love for gardening. Jennifer found herself having an interest in the same when she went abroad for further studies.

"They...are so beautiful.." she mumbled in between her breaths. Her gaze never tore from the flower for the slightest second.