Mistress's Daughter

Insulting her mother? Jennifer rolled her eyes at the comment passed by Shirley to gain sympathy from Amaira's side.

The girl just returned from her university and here goes the drama to witness of the family members. 

Neither did she get rest nor someone asked her for water. All Shirley did was to express her worries.

Jennifer felt real sympathy for the girl, seeing how much was she being tortured at this place.

'Amaira isn't even getting the proper environment of the family but a dramatic mother… who knows nothing but to create a mess during everything.' Jennifer's heart painted seeing the puzzled expression on Amaira's face.

"What do you mean mother?" Amaira asked, slightly worriedly but not showing any kind of attachment.

"They, Javier, and this new girl are… saying that they will drag me outta this house.." the sobs in between added more climax to the entire situation.