Seducing her Fiance!

The question was very much directed that didn't make much of a difference for Jennifer as she stayed still to where she was right now.

Not letting Emily take any peek inside. 

"Oh, Javier? Well, obviously he is inside and sleeping. But what are you doing here early in the morning? Don't You have some other work?" The reason Jennifer used a rude speech towards her was simple.

Emily's words sounded too rude to ask her directly when she also disturbed their sleep.

With no greeting and nothing else, she straightforwardly asked and annoyed her by banging the door like a madwoman and disturbed her peaceful sleep.

Why should she greet her and treat her with honor? 

Emily's face lost its color the moment she heard Jennifer's words.

Her eyes turned bloodshot omitting a cold aura but that didn't make much of a difference to Jennfier too.