Her fiance is Lucas Smith

The lady asked Shirley in the obvious tone, thinking that Shirley will not start a heated argument on such a mere reason.

Doesn't Shirley own dozens of dresses?

Shirley, who was fuming in the pure anger, found it too useless.

Her dangerous eyes, shot Jennifer a death glare, as it was easily predictable by her that Jennifer played a game with her!

'This girl... I have surely taken her lightly..' in her mind, she found her even more scheming than Emily.

No, Emily would be nothing when Jennifer stands out since she used all the dirty tricks to gain the lady in her support.

How? Just by sweet-talking, this made Shirley annoy to the next level. "I..I'm so sorry Mrs... Shirley.. this wasn't my intention."

Bringing a fake smile on her face, Shirley used all her courage to act normal despite the continuously huge in her heart to put the lady down on the ground.

"That's alright. I will... go and change. you all please enjoy till that time."