Cup of Coffee

At this time, Jennifer perfectly knows that it was the right time to escape the conversation.

The ladies will not leave her alone, rather matching her with their sons.

'Gosh.. did they like me so much?' It was already unexpected from their side yet she didn't react much.

Giving them an absolute big smile, Jennifer replied, "Umm... I have to use the washroom. You see, Javier hasn't allowed me to get out of the room for much longer. I don't want him to get upset by my presence here again.."

"Oh girl, so what? Mrs. Shirley will handle her stepson."

Another lady passed the comment and Jennifer once again was over the clouded night that someone took her side.

"No need for such. I don't want any disagreement to happen between the family due to me. I will take my leave.." she stood on her toes, "Have a great time meeting you all."