Facing Lucas!(1)

Just when she heard this, Jennifer wasn't able to look above the back shield but all that came into her view was sand. '

Are we in some kind of dessert area?' It was hard to guess as there was no one to answer her query as she has no courage to get out and see by herself for now. 

It was hard to say when he was here right now.

Neither of the brothers even talk about anything which made her wonder where they have fixed today's meeting?

Was it at some kind of distant place like before? 

"Let us go out and meet the villain today,'' Javier spoke and with this, he opened his door to step out.

In a similar manner, Charles got out of the car from the other side, so did Shawn and his other bodyguards. 

They all wore sunglasses to hide their eyes from the scorching sunlight which was falling straight on their face.

This wasn't the only issue which they faced but somehow, they knew that they have to hide their emotions from that bastard!