He is angry

"Jenn...Jennifer.." he mumbled her name in between his breathe when his gaze traveled at her body which lay down.

Since the trunk was entirely low, Jennifer had no way to hide from his breaching and naked eyes.

Her eyes too widened in shock when his breathing stopped for a few seconds.

No one can deny that she was paralyzed from top to bottom, to see him passing intense gaze in her direction. 

"Javier, is everything alright? Is the trunk not getting closed?"

Charles asked from the front when he saw that Javier was taking a longer the time needed in the back he back.

It wasn't that difficult a task either. 

Hearing his brother's voice, Javier's grip on the trunk tightened.

His face was filled with fury when the nerves started popping out all of the sudden.

His mind proceeded everything, how she urged to come along with him yet he declined her numerous times.