Her kidnapper is Sweet!

Taking a step back, Jennifer's eyes widened in shock, and stunningness was written all over her face.

She didn't care to hide her expressions and body language either.

"D...do you even know what are you even saying?" Jennifer asked, but in return, all he showed was courage and confidence.

"I'm speaking with all my consciousness, Jennifer. I have taken all the measures.."

"But.. the last time I called, it was traced and we were attacked! No Javier! I will not make any call on the cost of risk." 

She hasn't forgotten that they had to escape the entire pace within the few minutes the last time.

It was highly adventurous and almost took her wits out.

Sensing the same fear consuming her, her instincts strongly rejected the idea of carrying or making any call either. 

Yet, Javier seemed relaxed in contrast to her miserable state.