Murder of his mother!

Javier wanted to interrupt in the middle, as it is very much evident in which direction, was his father talking the conversation with him. 

"Father, trust me, you are choosing the wrong person."

"I don't think so. My hopes are only on you now, as you are the only person from whom I can at least except any child for this family." Shawn didn't budge from his statement even for a second. 

What caught Javier's eyes, was his father's weak and timid voice.

All of the sudden, he is not acting mighty and brave yet looking too vulnerable. Was it because he longs for a child? That wasn't how Javier think it to be.

"Brother Charles is.. much older than me. He is the one who manages the business as well." Javier spoke to express his concern.

"But your dear brother isn't in any condition to get married. If I try to force him, he will automatically step down from the current managing position of the business."