Where is Jennifer?

With each passing second, his voice became louder with the pitch reaching its peak.

He generally has no control over these emotions anymore.

"Open the door immediately, Austin!!" The voice once again, attracted Austin's mind, to hear out Javier's restless voice outside.

A few seconds later, with no voice coming, made Javier howl in anger. His mind was almost on the verge of going through a malfunctioning at this point.

Nothing seems to make sense to him anymore.

When he was ready to break the door via his shoulders, he heard the noise of something. 'This sound looks like flushing..' though, he was still uncertain yet waited for a few more seconds for Austin to show her face.

The door of the bathroom was wide open with Austin coming out, to only bump in Javier. "Oh... I heard your yellings. Is everything alright?"

Without replying to him, his eyes shifted their attention to the bathroom, not finding any identical inside at all.