Sierra is back!

At the same time, at the airport, the flight had just landed for the two major people.

"Ailey! Noah! come back here right now!" Sierra yelled while trying to handle the luggage in her hands. The two bags were kept on the trollies, with her hand almost filled with other stuff.

Hearing their mother's voice, both the children looked at her and ran in her direction. "Mommy, see, ice cream! Can we get one? Please?"

Narrowing her eyes, Sierra looked at the two naughty kids in front of her. "Didn't you say that your tummy is already full when I opened the lunch box full of rice?"

"Oh mother, that was half an hour ago! Now, we are back to our empty stomach!" Ailey indicates toward her small tummy.

Following her actions, Noah did the same to show he was too craving for some junk.