Javier or Austin?!

"Jennifer! I need your help here!" Javier shouted from the other side when Jennifer hurriedly rushed to his side and helped him hold the large piece of wood. 

With her support, he tied the knot of the tent which they had brought.

Putting the locks together, their tent was ready. Alongside he put a trampoline over it to cover from the top. 

"Is it done? Do we have to do something more?" Jennifer asked since she was seeing everything like this for the very first time in her life.

"Umm… no, it will be fine. We just have to put the mattresses inside. Otherwise, it is ready.. and strong." Javier answered when he checked it once to confirm and nodded his head.

Averting her gaze, she viewed that similar to theirs there were four more tents here ready. Others were also engaged in the work either it is Charles, Hannah, Ellen, Amaira, or Ryan. 

The two big shots like Austin and Emily were too afraid to even do something like this.