Taken man!

"Jennifer!!! Jennifer! Please, open the door. Jenn!" Hannah cried her name outside of the door.

Coming out of her daze, Jennifer's hand stopped just an inch away from her wrist when she averted her mixed gaze towards the door, to hear the constant banging. 

"Go back! I don't wanna see anyone's face right now!" She yelled from inside, to get the reply that they won't, "Jenn, we know you're broken but at least open the door! We can talk about that!"

"Nothing is left anymore.." Jennifer found it nothing but ridiculous.

What was there even to talk about? Today, Javier's nod was first a sign to her that he was little playing with her sentiments all along.

She, as his lover, tried her best to keep her feelings under wrap but now, it was out of control.

Now, when she felt something special with him, the special of her heart towards him, but in the end, it was nothing but gaining a heartbreak from his side.