I love you, Javier!

"I don't wanna.. see your face! Just go away, Javier.." Jennifer was able to mutter these words with a low voice.

But since Javier was checking her hand, he barely heard it all in one go. 

Averting his sleepy eyes, to stare into her eyes which are filled with nothing but coldness in and out.

Absolutely disguised in her eyes and he can't deny that he was immensely affected. "Jennifer, don't act stubbornly. Let me-"

"I can take care of myself only. I don't..need someone like you to actually come to me and care." 

With this, Jennifer pulled her hand back from his grip. Though it did hurt her to do the same yet no one can deny that the hatred and anger were much more as compared to the pain.

"Jennifer, the doctor has especially said that you need to use ointment and have to take massage soon. Please, don't do this.." once again he tried to say with his pleading one.