Legally married...!

Within the next one hour, the couple, Jennifer and Javier were sitting inside one of the marriage bureaus, already, as it was late night almost 1 a.m. yet there's no stopping them.

No one can even imagine the dream that a Johnson heir will go behind everyone's back and marry a girl whom he loves.

Especially when back at home, his marriage preparations were going at the highest pace as ever.

Not only that, but they were the talk of the town.

The official was working on the screen when he kept the paper in front of them as he handed them a pen. "Sign at the respective places. Agree that you are doing this willingly."

"We both are doing this willingly."

Both of them spoke at the same time which made them stare at each other but no one said any words aloud.

The official nodded his head and asked them to sign at the respective places. "Miss, please sign at these pages and here… yeah.."