I married him!

"Well… yeah  guess?"

Jennifer didn't give an instant answer, instead of remaining quiet. Eating fruits in peace was all she wanted but she knew that she was mistaken too. 

'Gosh...I should have removed it when I went to the washroom. Now I will need to make an excuse to  Hannah.' That was the hardest part of hers. 

She was attracted to the ring so much that it slipped out her mind to even make sure that others might take the notice of the same and it will create a blunder, not only for her but also for Javier! 

"Jen, answer me honestly! Where did this ring come from? I know that you never wore a ring like this, nor is it there in your closet. It is impossible!" 

Her best friend's analysis started to come by when she stretched her hand and looked at the ring. It was a little bit blue in color, with a dome in it. It was hard to guess the exact color since, if seen from the two different sides, it gave off two different vibrant colors.