Lucas agreed!

"Jennifer… you know that I can't do anything at this very moment.." Javier's distant voice suddenly alarmed Jennifer.

All of the sudden, her heart thumped against her chest as if she was already expecting this answer but still it was hell out of hard for her. Holding her tears at bay, she said again, "So, does this mean that you will marry her too?"

For a few minutes, there was absolute silence breaking them. Neither of them spoke even a single word regarding the event, and none even pastured. But clarification was needed, and Javier had no interest in spilling some beans out of his plans too.

Letting out a tired sigh, he finally told her, "No, I will not marry her either in the future or now. This engagement was the only step I was going to take."

"But what if your family forces you? Will you be able to tackle the same?" At this point, Jennifer left his embrace around her body and turned around to stare at him.